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'It's over now y/n. We gave you this shot but you wasted it. It's time for you to give up chasing that reckless dream. Go study to find a job and make your parents proud.'

You're not my mother, I wanted to shout. If mom was here she would help me overcome this obstacle.. as she always did. Besides, who did she thought she was. She was just invading my personal space, making my little comfy room smaller at the sudden yelling.

'I will keep trying until my lungs fall apart and my heart beats for the last time.' I hissed, determination overflowing my words.

I knew this was what I was born for. This is what i want for my life. If its not this then I have no motives to keep living.

'Don't you see? Nobody finds talent in you. Nobody wants you in their lives. Nobody needs you. You will continue to fail until you are only a piece of failure made of bones and grey hair.'

My foster mother was one nasty being, I knew what she was saying was true, but there was no need in throwing it at my face.

'I believe that with passion and work i can get there. You won't stop me, not even your husband who thinks he is scary just by growing gorilla like facial hair and talking too loud.'


Last thing I knew I was running out of that hell, empty handed, to face the freezing cold alone and with no destination. The mixture of anger and sadness that i felt turned into warm tears across my pale face.

The night was busy as always, that's what I get for living in the capital. It was kinda weird tho, seeing so many people walking fast, eyes fixed on something ahead, as if the surroundings weren't there. We, humans, in the beginning of our story immediately understood we needed each other to survive. We need to rely on each other to get through this harsh life. But in our full scheduled lives we seem to forget that, indifference and dislike being the only thing we have left for others.

I was so buried into my thoughts that I didn't felt the time passing, neither the distance I walked. I stopped to look at my surroundings. I honestly had no idea of where I was. My every breath formed a little cloud of fog due to the cold that was falling upon the city. I put my hands in my coat pockets, trying to warm my body and soul.

Well, seems like I have no place to go. My fake family hates me, my friends... haha friends... what a bitter word.
I started to realize the huge trouble I was into, the numbness hitting me like an unbridled train.

I started sobbing uncontrollably, lips trembling as I attempted to hide my horrendous face from the unwanted looks of strangers. Thinking about strangers... I realized there was no one else in this dark corner of the city besides me and that huge muscled man hurriedly coming in my way holding a odd piece of white fabric.

Oh no, no no this cant be happening.
My feet gained life of their own, running in the opposite direction, trying not to get distracted by the wave of fear and panic drowning my whole body.

'Hey, little girl I just want to chat!' He shouted, the irony in his voice was as clear as his malicious intentions.

His quick steps were coming closer and closer, and I could almost feel his breath reaching me. I took a quick turn left, trying to find traces of life.

'Running is no use, you're tiring us both.'

Please don't do this to me. Please... Before I leave this earth I still have so many things to do.. I want to make my parents proud. I'm sure they're watching me in this distress from heaven.

But my body wasn't responding to my will to run faster.

I felt two strong hands grabbing my hair, gripping my waist next. The smell of alcohol and cheap colony burned my nostrils. I tried to struggle, but he craved his teeth on my ear lobe, sending a signal of acute pain to my brain.

'Game over, you're mine now. Now lets my put my beauty to sleep.' He took the hand holding the fabric off my waist, only to put it compressed against my nose and mouth, making it impossible to breathe. Though I tried to. And a funny odor took over my sense of smell.

I tried to scream but it was useless. My head was going fuzzy and I could only see the shadows in the empty street. My eyelids closed due to an odd urge to sleep, the drug he made me smell was certainly heavy. A feeling of exhaustion and frailty took over my body, leading me to think the game had really ended right then and there.

However, all of a sudden, a light source that was strong enough to even make my eyes hurt through the thin layer of my eyelids' skin appeared out of no where, bringing an engine noise with it. It seemed to disturb the man detaining me as he started dragging my body away from the clarity.

A car door opened. 'Leave that girl immediately. Or else I'm calling the police.' The voice was really deep and manly, but it had a caring trait behind it.

Of course that really wasn't important, a saviour had arrived.

'Buh uh I'm so scared I almost peed my pants. Fuck off kid, let the adults satisfy their needs.' He hissed, bringing my neck to his filthy tongue. I was so weak that my efforts to get away were nullified.


Strong steps in my direction. A heavy punch, followed by another, and another, leading me to fall off the grip that had held me to the ground. I laid next to the fist fight motionless.

I heard some more grunts, drunken yells and knuckles hitting bones. Then a groan of pain followed by the fall of an heavy weight. Someone was down, and I hoped it wasn't the deep voiced saviour.

A pair of arms held me, again. But this time, the embrace was warm, reassuring and sweet smelling. I felt his panting breath on my cheek while he brushed my hair to the side of my face.

'Its okay, its okay. You're safe now.' He softly whispered in my ear. 'I'll never leave you again.'

W-wait.. What..... I wanted to think but it hurt. My conscience was leaving. That drug really fucked me up. He started carrying me probably to his car.

'I don't kn----- glad i found yo----- I'm sorry for ever--' I only could pick up some fragments of sentence but he was almost crying.

'Wait.... The Kwon Hyunbin I know...? It cant be.. I have been saved by that vicious jerk?' I passed out as he laid me on his car seats.

Epiphany // Kwon HyunbinWhere stories live. Discover now