Chapter 1

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**Hello all this is the story that you voted on in November. This story is Puzzleshipping. I do not own anything pertaining to Yugioh. The next story I start will be a Death Note and Yugioh crossover. Thanks for voting and I hope you enjoy this one.**

Yami's POV

"Yo Sennen! Another beer over here," shouts a man at the far end of the bar. "Andrew, I told you to drink a glass of water and call a cab. You've had way too much tonight and I cut you off. Stop trying to get the other bartenders to give you more alcohol," I say to him. Andrew is one of our regulars and will commonly drink too much. "Oh come on Yami. Just one more before I have to go back to my empty house," he says. Poor guy. His wife left him for another man who also happened to be his best friend.

"Andrew I know it's hard, but you've got to put yourself out there. Get back on the scene again. Find a woman," I say. "Yeah it's so simple. I don't have your looks to compete with Yami. Women don't exactly throw their panties in my direction," he says. "They will if you learn to charm them with your winning personality," I say and look up and I see a cab driver walk in. "Hey man your cab is here. Go home, sleep it off, then try to turn your life around," I say and he gets up and goes to the driver and the driver takes him home.

"Well I guess you should add therapist to your resume," says Skye the other bartender. "He's in here a lot when I am," I say. "Well with that, your shift is over so shoo," she says and waves me out of the bar. I laugh and go and gather my keys and wallet and head out to my bike. I look back at the place and hope like hell I can get my own place in a better part of town. I dream of opening my own bar. I love the business and making drinks. I start up my motorcycle and head to my home on the outside of town.

I'd live in the city but outside of town provides a better view. I stop at a lone stop sign and look up at the stars. The city isn't bright enough to block them out here so I get to enjoy the nice view. I notice something odd in the sky. It was brighter than any star I've seen. I stare at it for a minute before I realize it's getting closer. I see that it's like a ball of fire. There's a lot of smoke coming from it. I dive for the ground thinking it's coming right for me. I look up to see it pass above me and it's a ship of some sort.

It crashes into the field next to me and debris flies everywhere. I look up to see the ship is on fire. What is this thing? It looks like it belongs in a sci-fi movie. The ship was shaped like a typical UFO with lights lining the ship. It had two engines in the back. I go up to the ship. "Hello is someone in there," I say. Suddenly, lines appear on the ship and a door opens. A figure stumbles out and collapses. It's shorter than I am and it looks a lot like a man. He's wearing a skin tight white suit that has glowing blue lights all over it. He has two little antennae protruding from his head. His hair is tri-colored and spiky like mine except the color is a little different. 

I roll him over. His body temp is oddly cool. His face is cute and almost child-like in a way. His bangs fall in front of his face while mine streak through my hair like lightning bolts. I look up at the ship which is strangely not burning anymore. I pick up the alien. I wonder what he is called. Once I have placed him next to my motorcycle, I use the four-wheeler that I have hidden in the trees for riding on the trails to pull the ship into the trees and out of sight. I'll come back for it later. I go back to the strange being next to my motorcycle and pick him up. I get on my motorcycle with him and ride back to my house. 

The being is injured and is leaking some strangely colored liquid that I presume is blood. It is almost translucent and it sparkles in colors I can not describe. I arrive back at the house and carry him inside. I place him on the floor in front of the couch and gather some first aide supplies. I don't want to put any ointments or creams on him in case he's sensitive to that. I wrap the wounds in hopes to stop the liquid from flowing out of his body. He's very human like so that has to be blood.

I want to go get the ship and bring it back, but I don't want to leave him alone right now. I don't want him to wake without me here. His nose scrunches a little as he starts to stir. I watch over him waiting for him to wake. The lines of his suit seem to glow a little bit brighter and his eyes snap open. I am met with beautiful amethyst eyes.

E.T. (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now