Chapter 2

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Yami's POV

He gasps and scrambles back against the couch and away from me. "Woah hold on little one. I'm not here to hurt you. You were in a crash and it looked like your ship was badly damaged," I say holding my hands up trying to not be threatening. He calms a little bit. "Ick ah set ahn beet et," he says. "Ok umm I don't know what you're saying. Can you speak English," I ask. "English," he asks almost butchering the pronunciation.  "Yes that is the language we speak here," I say. He looks around and I get an idea and get up and grab a book about learning English from when I taught immigrants from Egypt and hand it to him.

He seems to recognize it as a book and he reads through the book phenomenally fast and looks up at me. "Where am I," he asks. "You can learn English that fast wow," I say. "We are fast learners. Now where am I," he asks. "Well we call this planet Earth and you crashed landed not too far from here. I saw the crash and brought you here to heal you," I say and he gasps. "My ship! Where's my ship," he asks frantically. "Look don't worry calm down. I hid it in the trees nearby. You need to relax. If you're anything like the human body, you could tear those wounds open. I'll bring the ship here for you," I say.

This seemed to calm him a little and he relaxed. I help him onto the couch and go outside to my bike and ride back to the crash site. It looks undisturbed so far and I use my bike to drag the marooned ship back to my place and into the shed. Once that's done, I go back inside and looks at me. "I have your ship in the shed," I say. "Take me to it," he says. "Ok," I say and help him hobble out to the shed. He gasps and tears come to his eyes when he sees it. "I tried to do little damage to it as I got it back here," I say. "You didn't damage it," he says.

He stumbles up to the ship and taps on the side and the damaged door opens. He goes inside and comes out with a chest that had strange writing on it. He taps on the numbers and the chest opens. "What is this," I ask. "It's my chest that has my supplies and belongings in it besides what's in my ship," he says and pulls out something in a spray bottle and sprays it on his wounds. "There. That should take care of the wound," he says and the wounds heal. "Wow what is that stuff," I ask. "Medicine that isn't of this planet," he says. I look at the ship. "Well I can see one major problem," I say.

"What is that," he says. "If your goal is to get off this planet and back to your home, then it's gonna be awfully difficult to fix your ship without the proper technology. This ship isn't something I have seen before except in the movies. So it's safe to assume that this ship is far more advanced than what we have," I say. "It is far more advanced. I can control this ship with my mind. You only get one in your lifetime. If it's destroyed completely then I won't be able to fly anymore," he says. "Well is it destroyed," I ask. "No, it's just badly damaged and in need of serious repair work," he says.

"Well can you fix it with our technology and tools," I say. "With your tools and the help of the technology and supplies on the ship, I should be able to repair it enough to fly it," he says. "I'm going to assume it's gonna take a while and you'll need to disguise yourself just in case you're seen," I say. "What do you mean," he asks. "Well if you're seen in that outfit, you'll get funny looks from people," I say. "I guess you're right. I'm gonna need you're help to repair my ship and stay hidden," he says and I nod. "Why did you not run away from me when you saw me crash," he asks.

"Just because you're different and from another planet doesn't mean you're bad," I say and guide him back into the house. "First, let's get you changed," I say and go to my room and dig through my clothes for something for him. I pluck out some clothes and carry them to him. "It won't be the same as what you're wearing and it might be too big, but it'll do for now," I say and hand them to him. "Thank you," he says and goes into the bathroom to change. He comes out a few minutes later, but he's not carrying what he changed out of.  "Where'd your other clothes go," I ask. "That suit is like a second skin. I merely absorbed it," he says.

"Oh, also what are you called exactly," I ask. "We're known in your language as the Inuqi. Its based off of our Goddess Inu," he says. "So you guys do have some form of religion. Is Inu your only Goddess," I ask. "Yes, she is everything on our planet Ieothea," he says. "I'll give it a rest for today. You probably need rest," I say. "Yes rest does seem nice," he says. "I'll let you stay in my guest bedroom," I say and take him upstairs. I show him into the room. "It's a lovely little room. Thank you," he says. "Your welcome and I'll wake you if something comes up," I say and go downstairs. 

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