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❛  I admire you for all the reasons others cannot.

The flaws you've let no one see..

I, see, you king.

I see the way you've treated me in the open without hesitating.

Titles mean nothing because I'm a queen.

Yours, personally.

We talked about our walls and how guarded we should be, but I've decided I'm willing to allow

you to damage me..

If it means I can spend the night,

one more time,

to watch the moon play strings.

To them you're a musical genius, but no one sees the way your spirit sings for me.

No one hears the harmonies we make with love— without ever practicing.

Your heart is a different kind of beautiful — you can't imagine the peace I've found within you.

Your love has helped me pick up all my pieces.❜

Reyna Biddy


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