Riverdale Marathon with Kieran pt.II

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Kylie's Pov

So Kieran and I are on the 8th episode and Kieran is getting more and more curious about what's going to happen next. This is the episode where Betty and Veronica host a baby shower for Betty's sister Polly. Kieran is funny to watch every time Jughead and Betty are in a scene together Kieran gets all excited and he can't stop smiling. I mean I can't blame him because Bughead is my favorite couple on Riverdale, well other then Veronica and Archie of course!

*5 episodes Later*

Kylie's Pov

So Kieran and I are on the last episode in season 1 and Kieran is very upset because he's already behind on season 2. "Kieran listen to me okay? I have this website that you can watch any season of any TV show on it. Let's get you caught up on Riverdale."

"Yes!" Kieran yelled with excitement. I started to move away from Kieran so I could grab my laptop when Kieran grabbed my left hand.

"Where are you going babe?" Kieran sounded like he was worried or something.

"Kieran relax I'm going over to my desk to grab my laptop. I'm not leaving the room."

"Oh okay good, I thought you were going to leave?"

"Why would I leave?"

"Yeah I have no idea why I was thinking that."

"Me either" I grabbed my laptop and charger then I walked back to my bed. I sat down right next too Kieran and went to the website. I typed in Riverdale season 2 and Kieran's face lite up. I looked up at Kieran and he smiled.

"Are you sure that you're ready for this season Kieran?"

"yes Kylie! Start it please!"

"Okay okay." I pressed the play button and Kieran grabbed my hand and held it in his hand. Well I can't wait too see Kieran's reactions to the first 12 episodes because I love them so far, even though some parts are very confusing. I don't even know what time it is because Kieran and I have been watching Riverdale ever since my parents left for work this morning. I have the feeling that Kieran will get confused within the first three episodes because I was kind of confused when I first watched it, but I figured it out.

*12 episodes later*

Well Kieran and I finished Riverdale, well I guess I should say the episodes that are out. Kieran loved them although he did get confused when Betty and Archie kissed in the car. When that happened I was so angry because Archie interfered with Bughead and technically Betty kissed Archie, but either way I wasn't okay with that.

It's already 4 o'clock my parents should be home soon. "Kylie! We're home honey!!" I heard my mom shouting from the bottom of the stairs.

"Your parents are home already?" Kieran asked while he got out of my bed.

"Yeah I guess so." I got out of my bed too and Kieran and I walked downstairs.

"Well did you guys have a fun day off from school?" My mom asked Kieran and I both.

"Um yes we did Mrs.Fitzgerald"

"Kieran, you know you can call me Emily." My mom added.

"Uh yeah sorry I keep forgetting." Kieran scratched the back of his neck. Which I find is very hot I have no idea why though.

"Well Kieran I think your dad is on his way to get you."

"Um sir I have my truck." Kieran said as he took out his phone from his pocket.

"Kieran I think you left your keys in my room." I started walking towards the stairs and Kieran followed behind me. Once we reached my room Kieran and I barely closed the door when his phone rang.

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