10 Facts About Me

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Heyo everyone Jimbob16gros here to give you something a little special to tie you over for my best/worst 2017 lists.

Basically xanderwrites tagged me into revealing 10 facts about Mr  Jimbob16gros himself, so let's get started.

Also yes that is my real face.

10) I'm 18 years old

9) I'm autistic

8) My favourite show is Doctor Who

7) My first game consoles was the PlayStation 1 and the Sega Dreamcast

6) My cousin introduced me to Nintendo, The Terminator, Jackass, Transformers and Power Rangers

Whilst my Dad introduced me to MARVEL, DC, Star Wars and Doctor Who

5) My favourite animal/pet is a dog

4) My favourite Marvel movie is Avengers Assemble (UK)

3) I love to draw, sing, act, and make films

2) I love all the doctors but my favourite is Matt Smith as The Eleventh Doctor

1) I've gone to comic con 4 times and I have no plans on stopping


No joke that was really hard to do but hey I did it, I still have more so this might happen again.

Anyways that's all folks see you for my big 2017 lists and my announcement for my future in 2018, see you then.


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