San Diego Comic Con 2018 (Co-Host xanderwrites)

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Another day and another San Diego Comic Con gone but it's good to remember the stuff we got from it also don't worry we still have New York Comic Con and D23.

So xanderwrites SDCC is over, ready to start?

*Chugs down Coffee* LET'S DO THIS!

Right to start us off we should say the name of a DC Superhero.




[SHAZAM! April 5th 2019]

Behold one of the three DC movies that will save the DC universe, with a movie that has the lowest of stakes and the simplest of plots : a kid becomes a superhero whilst still retaining the mind of a 17 year old.

For short BIG meets any superhero movie.

Shazam, definitely adds something the past DC movies were lacking, Charisma and Charm.

Don't get me wrong Wonder Woman is easily one if the Best Super Hero Movies of 2017, but I'm talking about Man of Steel, Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad.They are way to
dark, and I'm not talking about the tone alone..... someone forgot to turn on the lights?

Regardless, this is something that was missing from the DC Extended Universe, or as it is known now, Worlds of DC....actually that sounds much much better.

That and the comedy is on point and it has a Kendrick Lamar song.

Kinda ironic they're using a Kendrick Lamar song when he himself was the man behind this soundtrack for Black Panther.

Also am I the only one who finds it weird that the film has a Christmas feel to it and it's coming out April whilst Aquaman comes out in December?

No it has a somewhat Christmasy feel to it, but that's probably because of the snow.

Although speaking of Aquaman...

[Aquaman 14th December 2018]

And now the second film to save DC : Aquaman.

This was a film I was actually hyped for, until I saw Justice League which in my opinion I didn't like so it made me feel scared to know how they would treat his actual film instead of his cameos.

This Movie looks awesome and is so God damn colourful and comic accurate!!!!!!

It looks pretty impressive, does have the same vibe as Black Panther, as from what I heard someone online say it's basically Black Panther underwater.

But, I highly doubt that since the villian acts like an Anti-Killmonger.

This is definitely like DCs black panther except if Wakanda was underwater and black panther was played by Jason Momoa, also yes everything is in colour and everyone looks amazing and comic accurate especially Black Manta.

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