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He sat in of the chairs in the observatory room, the showcase glass displaying Harry in his bed, sitting and writing things and occasionally glancing up and squinting with his one eye towards the padded wall for the facts he had gathered about the insect.

It was nearing 2AM, the ticks from the clock in the wall disappeared into white noise. Eggsy slumped back in his seat and watched his mentor behind the glass, he felt like he was observing an animal, a completely calm and docile one.

Eggsy fought every urge to go into the room and talk to Harry, he missed the man dearly. It was quite a shock for him, the agent he had mourned over the last couple months was right in front of him. He had this chance to not fuck things over, that is if he ever managed to get his memory back.

He nearly jumped in his seat as he heard the door open, it revealing Ginger, hugging a clipboard and wearing black pajamas. If Eggsy was being completely honest, Ginger is very alike Merlin, only if he had a gender switch and if he ever wanted to grow a bush on his hair.

"What are you doing?" Ginger leaned on the doorframe, eyeing Eggsy through her spectacles.


She rolled her eyes, "Obviously. What I meant is what are you doing up and what are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same thing to you." Eggsy averted his gaze from the woman to stare at Harry from the glass again, he was still diligently writing things down on his notebook.

"Well, I've worked almost my whole life here and I have the authority to wander around at any time of the hour, and you?" Ginger took a seat next to Eggsy, and stared at the man in front of the glass too.

He sighed, "Can't sleep."

"Too much on your mind?" She predicted, even though that is the truth. The thoughts in Eggsy's head won't run away and go, it's like someone had superglued the thoughts right inside his brain.

The younger man nodded silently, mouth drawn tight into a line. The two dropped into silence, both silently watching the man in front of them.

"He was like a lost puppy after the Alpha Gel treatment ended, you know." The short haired woman chuckled, Eggsy grinned at the vision of Harry acting like a lost puppy, not knowing what to do.

"He rambled about butterflies a lot, and so I gave him art supplies like pencils alike and colors because I wanted to see how deeply he fell in his passion of studying the winged insect. And turns out," Ginger gestured to the glass overlooking Harry and the butterflies drawn all over the padded walls. Yeah, he fell in too deep.

All of this is no surprise to Eggsy, really. Back in Harry's home, butterflies alike are displayed in glassboards besides Mr. Pickles in the wall. He knew that this is Harry's passion as he had told Eggsy himself when he asked 'what's the deal with you and butterflies?'.

"Ginger?" He whispered hopefully, causing the woman to glance, "is it possible if you let me in to see 'Arry?"

His eyes shone in broken hope as he stared right into Ginger. He fiddled with his bitten fingers anxiously as he waited for an answer to escape the petite woman's lips. She raised her brow in surprise and her mouth twitched into a small smile.

"Of course. Don't stay up too late though, you need rest for tomorrow. And Champ would lecture me if I gave you permission to stay in his room until morning." Ginger grimaced, but smiled afterwards.

He replied the smile, "Thanks, Gin. For everything you've done for Harry, I'm genuinely thankful for your existence."

She waved a hand in dismissal, "It was nothing. Get out now, I'll open the door for you." She dragged her chair in front of the control table, so she was sitting right in front of it. As she filled in a series of codes in the monitor, the door clicked open, causing Harry to glance up and stare at the door as shown in the glass. Eggsy beamed, "Thank you!"

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