Chapter one

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Listen to White blood on the playlist while reading.

     'Sometimes life isn't fair, bad things happen to everyone, including the good ones. I was born three weeks early, simply because if I wasn't, I would die. I have Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, which basically means the left Side of my heart is underdeveloped and too small or wasn't formed at all. I've had 5 surgeries, unfortunately non of them fixed the problem. I'm on 8 different medications to help my heart function. The only way for me to continue living is to get a heart transplant. Without a transplant, the medication will stop working eventually and then my heart will stop. As a 16 year old this is terrifying beyond belief...'

    "Breakfast is ready sis." Lilly said as she slammed the door open and jumped on the bed. Only Lilly soon noticed that her sister wasn't in bed, hell it didn't even look like it had been slept in. In fact her sister was at her desk, typing away on her laptop, looking like she hadn't slept in days.

    "Hey, you know if you don't sleep you'll end up in the hospital again. I know this letter important to you but you have to take care of yourself sis." Lilly said as she wrapped her arms around [Y/n]. She would always worry about her little sister, she remembered the day she came home, wrapped in a little butterfly blanket. Lilly smiled at the memory, before kissing her sisters head and walked out.

    "If you're not downstairs in five minutes, I'm sending Jenny to get you!" Lilly shouted for the bottom of the stairwell. [Y/n] Laughed at it, but she knew her sister wasn't joking. Jenny was athlete sibling, next to Josh of course. Joshua was the oldest at 25, then Lilly at 23, then Jenny at 18, and last but not lest [Y/n] at 16. Her parents, Alex and Carly Wilson, had been married for 30 years, had 4 children, and both had very successful careers. Her mother was a Neurologist and her Father was a world renowned plastic surgeon.

     "Hey time to eat kid, you know what happens if you don't take your meds soon. We all know you can't take them on an empty stomach either, so let's go." Jenny said as she pulled her sister out of her chair and pushed her out of the room. They walked slowly down the stairs and Jenny could tell her sister needed to take her medication soon. As the arrived in the kitchen, Carly had already placed all her daughters medication and food on the table. [Y/n] sat down and quickly tucked into her food, almost chocking a few time as she stuffed her face.

   "Slow down, you'll hurt yourself." Her father said as he read the news paper at the head of the table. [Y/n] finished her food and began taking her meds, which usually took a few minutes. After she finished, she quickly placed her plate and fork in the dishwasher and went back upstairs.

    "Am I the only one who noticed how moody she is lately?" Alex questioned.

   "She's been writing the letter." His wife answer as she sipped her coffee. They all knew what that letter meant to her, hell to everyone. That letter was going to help get the transplant she needed, the medication was already started to stop working. If she got that transplant it would mean she gets a second chance at life, that her time was not yet done in this world. Just as quick as she when up, she came down dressed for the day. Her light washed skinny jeans went well with the oversized grey nike hoodie she had on.

   "I'll be back around 8, I'm going to go to the library before work. See you later, love you!" [Y/n] shouted as she left the house. As she began to pull out of her driveway, she saw a moving truck. 'Huh, so they're finally moving in.' She thought as she drove past the house.

    The drive to the library was peaceful like usually, she sang along to Taylor Swift and whatever else was on the radio. Soon enough had pulled in and was parked at the library, as she walked in she was greeted but he friendly librarian who always seemed to b working when she came in. Quickly she took a seat at a table in the back and pulled out her laptop and began writing. Time seemed to fly by as she wrote, because before she knew it, it was 12:07. Quickly she grabbed all her thing and rushed to her car.

   As she pulled up to the little thrift shop, she slowed her pace a bit, her boss liked her too much to fire her over being 10 minutes late. As she sat by the cash register, he boss gave her a smile and walked off the sort the new donations in the back. She continued to write, only stopping to help a customer. She was so engrossed in her work, she didn't notice that a boy with beautiful brown eyes and curly black hair had walked in and couldn't take his eyes off of her.


Enjoy, hope you guys like it!!


Well, that didn't go as planned....Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now