Chapter three

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The day came to a end as (y/n) locked up the thrift shop, making her way to the little deli at next door, heading inside for one of her favorite sandwiches, (y/f/s). The owner smiled the girl and handed her the sandwich already knowing why she came in, only to get a smile in return as well as money for the sandwich. (Y/n) left with a wave and made her and maybe her way to her car, ready to go home and relax.

The drive was uneventful as usual, simply her singing along to the radio and dancing like no one was watching, which was what always happened. She pulled on to her street to see that the new neighbors had been all over in, she couldn't help but be curious as to who had moved next door to them now. She pulled into her driveway and made her way into the home.

(y/n) p.o.v

"Hey guys, I'm hooomme." I shouted into the house, hearing the crashes of pots and pans.

"Good, then you can take the cake to the new neighbors," My mother said as she shoved a cake into my hands." Be nice, and make a good impression." I nodded as I stepped outside and began walking over.

As I grow closer to the front door, I couldn't help but be nervous as to find out who had moved here. I stood in front of the door, and raised my hand knock lightly. I waited a few minutes before knocking again, yet still left unanswered. I puffed my chest out and knocked with more force this time, not fearing the out come anymore, only feeling mildly annoyed.

The door swing open to reveal a tall older man, with dark hair, a white bread and a black mustache, and dark brown eyes. He looked so intimidating, I couldn't help but shrink back.

"Hello, may I help you?" He asked in a deep voice, looking a bit skeptical l as towhee I was here, at his front door.

"Hi, I'm (y/n) Wilson. I live next door, my mom baked you guys a cake." I said with confidence, as to say he wasn't as intimidating as he thought. A smile broke out until the mans face at the mention of cake. I handed the cake over, and he took it without hesitation.

"Oh well, I'm Eric Wolfhard, Its very nice to meet you and for you to bring a cake." He reached his hand out for me to shake, the lended in and said, "Also, my wife has had me on a diet for the last month, you have not idea how happy I am to see cake."

I bursted out laugh at the man confession, my face flushing red and my stomach aching form laughing.

"Well, Mr.Eric, I'm pleased to have helped you in cheating on your diet." I said with a bright smile, before lending into and whispering,"remember, Im always right next door if you need more sweets." The man looked shocked at my words, before breaking into a fit go laughter.

" I can tell that you and I will be good friends Miss (y/n). Thank you for the cake, and for introducing yourself. It nice to see that there are good people here." He said with a small smile, his cheeked rose for laughing.

" You're welcome, and welcome to the neighborhood. Not everyone is bad, some are just scared of change. They'll warm up quickly with you're sense of humor."

" We'll see you around Miss (y/n), have a good night. I need to hide this before my wife comes home. It was a joy meeting you." He said as he waved to me as I walked back home. I couldn't help but laugh at our conversation, the new neighbors definitely wasn't as bad as I thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enjoy! Words//675

Well, that didn't go as planned....Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now