Chapter two

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listen to dancin on the playlist

The sun was high in the sky when Finn, Caleb, Gaten, Millie, Sadie, Jaeden, Jack, and Sophia arrived in town. They had parked on the side of the street and started to explore the small town, the girls giggled as the looked at all the little shops.

"Let's go to that thrift shop, it looks interesting." Sophia pointed across the street to a small but cozy looking store. Millie and Sadie agreed and they jogged across the street before the boys realized what was happening. They quickly ran across the road in hopes to catch up to the girls. The bell let out a small 'ding' at the arrival of people, the girls quickly walked to the back to see what hidden treasures they could find, all the boys following expect Finn.

The girl behind the counter was oblivious to them, and continued typing away, she might have been oblivious to them but she certainly didn't go unseen by Finn. The boy couldn't tear his eyes away form the girl, she sat so elegantly and held a look of intense concentration upon her face, yet she still looked so peaceful. Her hair was pulled up into a bun, and her eyes darting back and forth on the screen, she paused for a moment to look around the store and locked eyes with him. Embarrassed that he had be caught, Finn ducked his head and walked to the back, realizing that his friends had left him at the door.

"Finn, are you okay?" Millie questioned," You look really flush."

"Yeah, I'm ok." He mumbled, looking over the top of the clothes racks to see the girl at the front again. Finn almost didn't notice that his friends had spilt up, if it had been for Caleb nudging him, he would have continued staring at her all day. Caleb laughed at his friend and walked away shaking his head, grinning at the fact that his friend was starstruck by a girl he hadn't even spoken to. Finn walked around pretending to look at the used treasures and not at the girl up front, but it seemed luck was not on his side as he bumped into one of the many bookcases. Luckily Jack was close and quickly rushed over to pick up the books that fell before they got kicked out.

"Maybe you should stop staring at the girl and look where you're going, or you'll get kicked out and then stair at her through the window like a weirdo."Jack said with a laugh as the finished picking everything up. Finn blushed, and quickly looked around making sure she didn't see anything. Jack shook his head and grinned just as Caleb did, before picking up a book and pushing it into Finn's hands. Finn looked at his friend, confused as the why he was given a book.

"It's a good book, take it up and buy the book, talk to the girl instead of just staring at her dude." Jack explained. Finn then realize his friend with an absolute genius, quickly rushing off to the front to buy the book.

Finn slowly approached the counter, his shaking with nerves, afraid of the unknown. He stood there for a moment before clearing letting the girl know he was there, before placing the book on the counter.

"Oh sorry, I've been a bit distracted, is this all?" The girl asked with a smile that almost brought Finn to his knees.

"No, um just the book. I've heard good things about it." Finn said with a nervous tone.

"Yeah, this is one of my favorite, so enjoy it." She said with a teasing smile, as she rung up the book.

"If I read it, can I come back and tell you my thought on it? I'd like to hear you're thought as well." The words left his mouth before he could comprehend what he was saying, to late now.

"Sounds like a deal. I'm [Y/n], you must be new in town, I would have remembered those adorable curls." [Y/n] said with a blush, as she handed him the book.

"I'm Finn, my family and I just moved in." Finn said as he waved a hand through his hair, tugging at the roots form embarrassment. He handed the money over for the book, and reached for it as she did, their hands brushing against each other. He felt as if he had been shocked, but it was a good shocked feeling.

"Well, Finn once you finish the book you'll have to come back so we can talk more." Finn nodded as he made his way to the door, throwing a smile and a wave over him shoulder as he walked out. Little did Finn know how much he would come to care and love this girl.


Enjoy darling!!!


Well, that didn't go as planned....Finn Wolfhard x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora