Year 4

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Everyone was talking about the TriWizard Tournament. All the Gryffindor’s where glad Harry was in it, but Draco was enraged. “My father will hear about this!” He shouted. He always stared whenever one of the girls from that other school walked by, and you always slapped him. “I am the male here, I can stare at any woman I want.” He said, you never argued because he would only get angry.

He seemed to always have a bone to pick with Potter. Wearing buttons to support Cedric, when really he was glad Harry was in the TriWizard Tournament. “Honestly, a Hufflepuff’s no good in this kind of competition. At least Harry is brave. But a Slytherin would have been best.” He always was in his best mood when Harry was at his worst.

“Draco,” You pleaded, “I would really appreciated if you stopped wearing the Potter Stinks button.” 

“Why don’t you go comfort your boyfriend if it is that much of a problem?”

“Draco, you are my boyfriend. I am just saying, we should be glad someone other than a stupid Hufflepuff is representing us.”

“Listen, I want Potter to die, it would really make my life a whole lot easier. You can’t always have what you want, so I plan on making him suffer while he is on this planet.” You shrugged, you knew it was hopeless to fight with him because he was very stubborn. He had a goal, and you wanted to know what it was. The year was very interesting and diverse.

Draco was closing himself off, he was constantly getting owls and stiffening up when he got them. He became very secretive and often left you alone at meals because he had matters to take care of with Crabbe and Goyle. Then the announcement came for the Yule Ball. You confronted Draco while he was against the wall, then you propped yourself up against the walls and created the sexiest smile you could create. “So, what about the Yule Ball?” You whispered.

Draco scoffed and walked away. You punched the wall and slid to the ground. Was it you? Draco almost never spoke to you anymore. The Yule Ball approached and things where getting weird. Some days Draco would not show up to class. Other days he would be there, but far away from you.  A month before the ball, you crawled into his dorm around 1 a.m. and sat by his bed. Everyone was asleep and you were scared. You sat there and felt tears gather in your eyes and ran back to your room.  The next day Harry approached you. “Are you okay Y/N?” He asked. You stared at him, your lip began trembling and you threw yourself at him. You hugged him and sobbed. You cried and cried.  You separated yourself from Harry and apologized. You began walking away, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the Room of Requirements.

“What are we doing here?” You asked once you entered the room. The room was small and there was a small fireplace and a couch.

Harry sat down. “I wanted to speak to you, alone. If it is okay.”

You smiled weakly, “Sure.” You wiped your tears away.

“Are you alright?”

“No.” You laughed and felt some tears run down your face.

Harry looked at you closely. “Is it Draco?”

“Yes.” You began crying again but straightened yourself out. Harry placed his hand on your thigh.

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