Year After

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After the battle, Draco invited you to stay at the Manor with him since his mother had been moved out. You sold your old house and kept some of your fathers and your stuff. You moved into the Manor with Draco, but you needed a job. You opened a quill shop in Diagon Alley, you sold only the finest quills. Draco did not work since he had a lot of money left by his parents. One day, after you came home from work, Draco made you a turkey dinner.

                “Anyways, we are both alone. So why not be alone together?” Draco asked.

                You smirked. “That makes no sense.”

                Draco got down on one knee and pulled out a box. He opened it and pulled out a silver ring with a large green emerald on it. “Will you marry me?” He asked.

                He slid the ring on your finger. It fit! You tried to speak, but instead you threw yourself at him. You kissed his lips and stroked his face with your fingers. “Of course! I love you!”

                You both kissed each other till your dinner got cold. You called Hermione to help you pick out a dress.

                You chose a short, sleeveless white dress. It was tinted green, but still white. You made Hermione, Rachel, and Ginny your bride’s maids. Draco made Goyle his best man. The wedding was very quick and private. For the honeymoon, Draco took you to Egypt.

                “The pyramids are not as magnificent as you.” He whispered. You both toured Egypt and kissed. At night, he led you to a lovely hotel. You had a penthouse suite at the top floor. You put on some dark green lingerie and a light green robe.

                “How do I look?” You laughed as you spun around. Draco examined you.

                He walked around you, inspecting your body. Then he picked you up by the waist and spun you around. “You seem to look irresistible.” He slid the robe off your body, leaving you feeling cold but adventurous.

                You had read some books that contained a scene or two, but this was going to be different. You kissed him, removing his vest and shirt. You both kissed each other, going at each other all night. You enjoyed every moment, savored every touch. You never felt more complete, you didn’t sleep at all. It was never the same either.

                After the honey moon, you lived together and shared a room with him. You rarely ever slept, since you always slept with Draco. You loved every moment you were together, both when you were in bed, or just on an innocent date. You wanted to become a vampire, so you never had to sleep. You wanted him to be pleased, he always was.

                A few years later, the love was still burning bright. You still felt like a teenager, until one morning. You woke up and barfed everywhere. Draco ordered the elf to clean it up as he put on clothes. “Are you okay?” He asked disgusted and you put on a robe.

                You held your stomach and performed a charm they taught you in sex education. Long story short, you learned you were pregnant. “Draco, I am pregnant.”

                He smiled. “If it is a boy, name him Scorpius. If it is a girl, I do not care.”

                You laughed at his arrogance. You stared at yourself in the mirror, feeling the extra weight of a little creature.

                9 months passed. When the creature escaped your womb, you heard it was a bouncing baby boy. You named him Scorpius Malfoy, after your husband’s request. He grew up, with the same look and attitude of his father. You made him grow into a lovely young wizard. He was a Slytherin, like both his parents.

                When you turned 40, you all took a family trip to Hogsmede. When you were there, a terrible earthquake hit. A cement brick from one of the buildings flew off and hit you in the head. You fell down and got crushed by a large rock.

                “Y/N!” Draco screamed as Scorpius ran to shelter. He ran to you and you stroked his hair. “Wingardium Leviosa.” He chanted. Lifting the rock from your body. It was too late though, the damage was done. He cried as your head bled.

                You saw a light, you immediately realized you were dying. “I love you Draco. Always.” You cried. As more tears ran down your face, you felt your breaths become shorter. “Tell Scorpius I love him.” You croaked as you went into Death’s arms. The last thing you heard was Draco’s pained wails.

That ends this fanfiction! If you want to suggest any pairing for me to do please leave the suggestion in the comments! I will do any non-cannon pairing or a 2nd POV like this one! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it!


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