Year 7

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You packed your stuff one night and snuck out the window. You could not live in the same house as a Death Eater. You called the night bus and traveled to the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley cried when she saw you. She was so glad your father did not hurt you. You wanted to assure her you father was not a bad person, but then you decided not to because you had no idea what kind of person your dad was.  

                You let her hug you for a while, you remembered how it happened. You and your father did not speak, sometimes Severus opened his mouth to say something, but then looked down at his wrist and apparated away. He still fed you, but you just didn’t talk. In fact, he seemed so harmless, you almost left him a note to explain where you had gone. You didn’t though, because you remembered how easily he had killed Dumbledore. You heard from the news, that your father became the new headmaster at Hogwarts, you begged to Mrs. Weasley to let you skip school this year.

                “Hun, I cannot let you miss school!” She cried out in frustration.

                You cried, “Please, I can’t go back! It is not safe!” Hermione, Ron and Harry where already planning on leaving to do a mysterious task Dumbledore had left them.

                On the wedding, you went with Fred as your date. It was all merry and happy till they were attacked. Harry, Ron, and Hermione apparated out, but you had nowhere to apparated to. You decided to flee to Hogsmede. Where it might be safer. When you got there, you saw your father conversing with the Carrows.

                You hid in an alley till you saw your father enter Hogwarts. You waited for the Carrows to leave, but they entered Hogwarts as well. You knew it was dangerous to be walking alone outside in the dark. but you did not know when it would be safe to return to the Burrow. You apparated to Diagon Alley and rented a room in The 3 Broomsticks. You sat on your bed and stared at wall. You knew it looked suspicious, a 17 year old girl walking alone at night. Yet you were so nervous. In a few days, school would be back in session and you would be there under your father’s regime. Your father was surely a Death Eater, so technically, the school was being run by the Dark Lord.

                In the morning you apparated back to the Burrow, when you arrived, Mrs. Weasley hugged you again crying of joy, but also criticizing you. “You should not have left alone! It is not safe! Oh, but I am so glad you are safe! Ginny is inside, Hermione left with Ron and Harry to who knows where.”

                You went inside and hugged Ginny. “Where were you?” She asked with her hands on her hips.

                “I spent the night outside.” You answered.

                Ginny’s draw dropped. “Did you spend the night with Draco?”

                You smirked. “No, I just spent the night in The Three Broomsticks.”

                Ginny frowned. “It is so obvious you both like each other, why don’t you guys get back together?”

                “It is complicated, we plan on getting back together after the war.” You explained. “Why aren’t you and Harry together?”

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