Chapter One

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Did he have a good reason?

Virgil felt empty; and yet, it was a comforting empty. He'd been crying for so long that the tears eventually stopped coming. His brain couldn't function properly, only replaying the scene in his head over and over again.

The rushing water, the shaking of his hands, the tears on his face, the eyes of the boy, his voice...

Virgil didn't know how the boy had managed to pull him back from the edge with only his voice and no knowledge about him. Roman, he'd said his name was. He'd expected never to see him again after that day, yet here he was, sitting in art class with the boy next to him.

"You're so incredible at this!"

He was pulled from his thoughts as the other thirteen-year-old spoke. Virgil felt heat rising to his cheeks at the compliment. "I-I'm not, really," he murmured, lookin over at Roman's drawing of what appeared to be a dragon crossed with a witch. "W-What's that?"

He looked down at the drawing, blushing with embarrassment. "It's just a stupid idea I had," Roman said, trying to hide the drawing. Virgil wasn't sure what had come over him, but he reached out to grab his wrist. He look up in surprise at the action.

"I-I wanna see it," he said quietly, avoiding eye contact. "It looked really cool..."

Roman's blush grew for a different reason as he slowly handed him the drawing. Virgil hesitantly took it, analyzing the picture in awe. "You're so creative," he murmured, ghosting his fingers over the signature. "I can't ever think of original ideas..."

"I doubt that," Roman said almost instantly. "And even so, you're still an incredible artist. Where did you learn to draw like that?"

Virgil shifted uncomfortably as he handed the drawing back. "I've g-got a lot of anxiety," he murmured very quietly. "I taught myself over the years, and it's like, a coping mechanism."

"That makes sense! You know, 'Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity'!" he replied with a smile.

The anxious boy looked at him in confusion. "What?" he asked as the bell rang for the class to end. Roman was putting away his things already, making Virgil scramble to do the same so they might be able to walk out of the class together. As he jogged to catch up to him waiting at the door, he looked at him with a curious frown. "What did you say?"

"'Anxiety is the handmaiden to creativity'? It's a quote by someone-I can't really remember who-but it's like, anxiety and creativity go hand in hand," Roman said with a smile in his direction. "They typically feed into each other, and people don't even really realize it."

Virgil looked down as he thought about it further. He looked up when Roman turned toward a classroom with a wave. "Well, this is my next class, see ya, Virge!"

Just like that, he was walking alone once again. He hated walking alone. It always felt like everyone in the hallway was staring at him, making him subconsciously scratch at his wrist. Virgil kept his head down, avoiding eye contact. He hated this school with a passion; it had been part of the reason he'd almost jumped off that bring three days ago. If Roman hadn't been there, he wouldn't be here again.

Not that anyone would notice if I was gone, he thought to himself as he entered his next class. I have to say, algebra sucks.

"Virgil! You should tell Roman how you feel!"

The anxious emo boy, now seventeen, was sitting with his head face down on the table. Patton was gushing over his discovery of the hidden feelings Virgil had for their princely friend. He was so excited to hear about it, thinking it was the cutest thing he'd ever heard.

Virgil, on the other hand, would rather die than risk losing his friendship with the boy who saved his life four years ago.

"There's no way I'm doing that. He doesn't like me like that," he said quietly, almost certain of the fact. "I'm not good enough for him."

Patton frowned, not liking how he saw himself. "Now, none of that talk," he scolded. "It's not true. You are more than good enough."

Virgil laughed bitterly, waving him off as he ranted about how amazing he supposedly was. He knew he wasn't. Nothing would change that.

Three years later, the friends went to college. Fortunately for them, the college they each wanted to go to was the same, despite it being for different reasons. Patton was trying to talk him into asking Roman out.

"Come on, Virge," he whined. "There's no harm in trying! If he says no, just say I dared you to! I'll even vouch for you!"

Virgil groaned, looking over at where their princely friend had gone. He'd said he needed to meet someone, but that he'd be back soon. "Fine..." he mumbled, getting up and walking toward the direction he'd headed. He wasn't looking where he was going as he looked around for him, bumping into someone. As he hit the ground, he started to apologize frantically. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! That was my fault, please forgive me."

The anxious emo kept his gaze low until he heard a familiar voice. "Whoa, Virge! Calm down, it's just me!"

Roman helped him to his feet as he sighed in relief. At the same time his heart raced, remembering what he was here to do. "Oh, well, sorry anyway, and I- uh- I have something I'd like to ask you-"

"You have to meet my new boyfriend, Nick!"

Virgil's sentence stopped dead as his heart did for a moment. He hadn't noticed the slightly taller man standing next to Roman, and that they were holding hands.

"Oh..." he breathed, struggling to breathe. Somehow, he managed to stay composed as he was introduced. He quickly said he needed to give Patton something, and hurried away. As he did so, his tears welled up. He sat down at the table, making Patton jump but smile until he noticed the tears.

"Virgil, what-"

"Hey Patton! Come meet my boyfriend!"

His face fell in realization, frowning sadly at Virgil as he got up to meet Nick. The anxious emo didn't move, staring at his hands. Why didn't he ask him sooner?

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