ch. 13

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Blood, blood is needed to live, but it seems that i will run out of it before i can even find the group. my eyesight has gone blurry and i can barely walk straight. I need to keep going, i have to.

"FRY!!!" i yelled, trying to yell over the shrieks of the monsters. "SOMEONE! ANYONE!!!"

i continued to walk with my light guiding my way, it started to flicker and my heart dropped. 'no it can't go out now, not now!' i tripped over a protruding bone from the sand and laid there, whimpering from the pain in my thigh. this is the worst pain i have felt in years. i could hear them getting closer and closer to me, my light was slowly dying and there was nothing i could do. i don't even know if im heading the right way, this is so stupid, im an assassin! people cower before me, begging for their lives yet here i am calling out for people for help and playing mommy to four little kids and about to be killed by stupid bird looking animals. this is not me! who am i, do i even know who i am anymore?

my name is tessa brooks, escaped convict, murderer/assassin. i grew up on the streets, stealing food to survive. i didnt need anyone then and i dont need anyone now.

im tessa brooks, escaped convict, murderer/assassin. people's worst nightmare come to life. and im not going to die here on this dead planet and i dont need anyone to help me!

my eyes flashed open and with a pained grunt, started to lift myself up onto my knees. it was like a switch had flipped in my mind, the pain went away. i stood up and as if the monsters could tell they backed up in a flurry with shrieks.

"im your worst nightmare..." the light went out. excited shrieks rang out.


riddick looked off into the distance, he thought he had heard a scream but it was gone as quick as it came. looking back at the group he watched as johns pushed fry to the ground after she rushed at him.

"the light moves forward!" johns yelled and moved up beside riddick as he continued to walk. imam and shazza helped fry off the ground and gave her a liquid torch. everyone fell back in line as johns moved to whisper to riddick.

fry watched over them both with a critical eye and she kept jack beside her, she could barely make out what they were saying.

" in...keep off......"riddick turned and looked back at the group but johns hissed at him and walked faster.

fry put out her arm, "slow down, lets keep a little more distance between them and us."

"what for, what are they saying?" shazza asked

"i dont know, but just in case." fry returned to the front of the sled and grabbed a rope and pulled after the two men slowly. the whole group watched as the two men turned to look at one another and riddick said something, something johns didn't particularly like. johns and riddick parred each other as johns shot the gun.

"SHIT! LEAVE THE SLED!" fry cried out and ran off with the rest of the group back the way they came, or so she hoped.

they continued to run and jumped every time they heard a gunshot, they ran and ran until fry came face to face with riddick, she jumped and screamed.

"so what, y'all just gonna keep running until the light dies out, then what?"

"where's johns?"

riddick smirked and tilted his head,"which part?"

everyone winced, he walked around them but stopped at jack, she looked like she was about to cry.

"dont you cry for johns, dont you dare." she didnt, they went back to the sled and pushed on, they got to the opening of the canyon and halted, riddick tilted his head.

"whats wrong?" zeke asked beside shazza.

"its quiet...too quiet." riddick said and looked around and finally noticed all the bodies in the dark. the bodies of monsters, he also noticed a figure walking towards them.

"hello again~ miss me?" a chilling voice asked making riddick shiver with want.

afraid of the dark? good~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant