chapter 15

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whoops, slides into the shot, here i am again sorry for being gone for so very long. things just kept happening and i just couldn't bring myself to write or literally do anything. my depression and anxiety had gotten so bad that i could barely get out of bed but I've finally conquered them with my shiny gold sword and here i am. writing this for you all in one day. tomorrow im finally getting out of the house with my sister and cousin and we are going out to the next town over to eat and just shop around in stores. fun..... anyways here you go another chapter and im gonna be honest with you i think this story sucks and im not sure if anyone is going to like my ending but, shrugs shoulders, oh well. on with the chapter and hopefully after this chapter only a few more will remain and the book will be done. ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!


the lights slowly died from the two last remaining lights, sulieman was whimpering in imams arms, he was losing blood fast. the monster had gotten him deeply. tessa scooched over beside him and tore off another part of her favorite cape and wrapped it around his ankle, she pulled it tight causing him to almost scream in pain.

"sorry honey, it needs to be tight to stop the bleeding. imam i need you to keep pressure in the cut alright."

imam nodded and pulled his son closer, ali looked on from beside him and jack. fry looked over tessa with curiosity filled eyes.

"what made you care about kids so much? i thought you were just a mindless killer like riddick." fry commented. tessa looked at her and blinked.

"i honestly dont know, motherly instincts never leave a woman im guessing. enough about me what are we gonna do about our predicament? we both know he isnt coming back for us. thats just how he is." tessa whispered the last part to fry. fry glared but then softened her gaze knowing tessa was right.

" i know this because i would do the same thing if given the chance. well at the beginning i would have. now i dont know what i would do." tessa said while rubbing ali's back as he silently cried. zeke looked between everyone, "well if he is just gonna leave us i say we take a fighting chance and go after him, tessa you took so many of those things down on your own you can do it again right?"

"zeke i was on my own i didnt have to watch out for anyone else if we go out there now im gonna have to watch over three kids, one who is hurt very badly and would slow the group down immensely, and three adults one who doesnt know how to fight. you all dont have a chance. im also running on fumes and have lost a lot of blood, ive calmed down im feeling every cut and broken bone i have right now."

"broken bones?" jack asked. tessa nodded.

"ive broken at least three ribs and ive sprained my wrist. im sorry zeke its not gonna happen right now. i need to rest we all do."

"ill go. ill go and bring him back with more light." fry stood from her spot. "with what our lights are almost out and its raining you wont get far before those things tear you apart." as that was being said the lights died leaving them in a glowing blue light.

"what in the...?" tessa stood up with pain and grabbed a wriggling mass off the wall.

"glow worms, i didnt think there would be any here....maybe these would work as a light source. quick take the paper off the bottles and fill them up with as many as you can, zeke get the ones from the very top." the group set to work, other than imam and sulieman who was still bleeding but not as heavily.

after a few moments they had one and a half bottles of glow worms.

"is this all that was there?" tessa asked and looked around, fry and zeke nodded and grabbed up the jars.

"ill go you all wait here, i swear ill bring him back zeke help me move this rock then put it back once im out."

fry and zeke moved the rock and fry slipped out and zeke moved it back into place. the screeches got louder and closer as time went by. the time slipped by slowly the rock would move every now and then. everyone was huddled up, sulieman wasnt looking so good at the moment.

tessa put her hand on his head,"he has a fever, this doesnt look good imam." tessa got closer to imams ear and whispered," i dont know if he will be able to make the trip unless someone can carry him. and i cant i can barley carry myself right now."

"im not leaving my son." zeke came forth, "ill carry him, ive carried heavier in worse weather."

tessa nodded and started thinking up a plan. "we keep the children in the middle at all times, keep the front and back closed at all times, dont stop for nothing. keep running, we get to the ship get on no trying to be hero got it. as soon as fry comes back with or without riddick we go. any questions. zeke you will be in the middle with the children imam i want you to bring up the back keep a close eye on your surroundings."

everyone nodded, the rock shifted again, it started to move from the spot. tessa shot out her blades and got into position. instead of a monster they were faced with an amused riddick and flustered fry.

"anyone not ready for this?"

"there is my god mr. riddick." imam said from behind zeke. soon everyone was in formation, fry and imam had the lanterns while riddick was in front tessa took up the very back a little ways behind imam. she was slowing, she knew.

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