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Minhyuk's POV
The whole situation caught me off guard. My brain wasn't really processing what I was seeing. I mean, I could see it, but, everything in me didn't want to believe it. I
was pretty confused for a few seconds, and all I could do was just stand frozen in my spot.

Until it finally hit me.
I'm standing here wasting time while my friend is suffering- God Minhyuk, come on.
Quickly I help Shownu lay Wonho down on one of the three mats we have on the floor, the oldest boy is almost bigger than it due to his large body frame, but it'll have to do.

Pushing Shownu out of the tent, I took a deep breath. I work better when I'm alone but this feels like to much pressure. I grabbed everything I thought I needed from around the tent, like, a water bottle to clean the wound, a rag (not the cleanest), and bandages. Unfortunately we didn't really have any real supplies that would help more, and that can risk the wound getting worse, or even infected.

To be honest, I'm not that good at this. My father was a doctor so I know a few things from him, but that's about it. And the weird shows he made me watch, so I could 'learn a thing or two and prepare for my future'. Not something you want to see as a six  year old. Can I really do this?

Hold on Minhyuk, don't think like that now. Wonho needs you.

Kneeling down next to him on the ground, I stripped Wonho's shirt off. It's completely soaked in blood.

Thats when I see it, the wound. It's almost hidden by the amount of blood that was plastered all over Wonho's body.

I want to be nervous- I want to literally curl up in a ball because this whole situation rests in my hands. Wonho could bleed to death- or I won't clean it properly and it'll get infected- and then we'll have to chop it off and-

Another deep breath.

I can see where the bullet lodged itself into Wonho's arm. I bit my lip. Wonho and Shownu have both been shot before, but they've been lucky and the bullet went all the way through. This means I have to pull it out. But I'm not sure how. And how not to cause more pain than what Wonho's feeling already. We don't even have pain killers.

Why is there so much blood?

It's overwhelming...


Get it together, Minhyuk.
He's in pain and your just sitting around. This is no time to act like a fool. I don't know if I can pull it out, but I can at least try and calm the bleeding.

I grabbed the water bottle and opened it up. Pouring a little onto the wound, trying to get rid of any excess blood that was in the way. I  wet the cloth and gently pressed it against his shoulder, cautiously trying to wipe the blood that was already starting to stick off him. At least he's knocked out, he won't feel any pain now. It'll be a different story when he wake up.

The rag was completely soaked in blood but now the wound was more visable and I could see-

What the fuck-

I didn't see it before, because there was so much blood, but...

I moved my head closer. What am I seeing? Am I losing it because this is stressing me out?

The area around the wound seemed to be... Turning black. Am I seeing things? This doesn't even make sense. Is it getting infected already? What kind of infection...
I'm going crazy, that's it. I'm imagining things now.

Inhaling, I tried washing the out the rag with some of the remains of the water bottle and again tried cleaning some more blood. I don't know what to do about the bullet. I can't pull it out now, we don't have any antibiotics. But if I wait any longer...
It's a chance we'll have to take.

I unrolled the bandages, rapping from his shoulder and around his chest so the bandages would stay nicely. Blood was already soaking through...

I made the mistake of rubbing my face, with my hands that were stained with blood. But I don't care. I'm exhausted. But why? I'm not the one suffering. I really am weak. This is pathetic. I can only do one thing and I'm not even good at it. Using the last of the water I wet my hands and got as much blood off as I could, and then I went to check on Wonho's condition.

He's sleeping.
Or at least I think he's sleeping. I mean, he's not dead, if that's what your thinking.
  He's just passed out. Which is good, because the pain must be unbearable. But that won't stop me from worrying. How do you always seem to get yourself into these kind of situations, idiot.
If only you were more careful. I can see his chest rise and fall, his breathing was quicker than normal but he was also putting out shaky breaths... Sorry Wonho, it is kind of cold in here but... Blankets are a delicacy we don't have.

He oddly looks handsome while he sleeps. Stop Minhyuk, that's weird. That's not something to think right now. Even though it's true.

I bit my lip. Maybe I could just... Lay here with him. But I should be doing like, anything else. Like telling the others about his condition. Or cleaning myself at the lake. Or counting the supplies for the seventh time...

Even with all these other things to do my body still found itself laying down on the mat beside Wonho.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to rest here for a few minutes beside him.

He's breathtaking. God, so breathtaking. Wonho, don't you know it hurts me when you're hurt to? Stop doing stupid stuff.
Before I know it my eyes become heavy.
I just want to make sure your ok.

My fingers reach out to become intertwined with his..


Ugh. I hear shifting. What's going on again?

Wait- Wonho..!

I sat up immediately, my eyes searching for light. It must've been night, because the tent was almost pitch black.

My eyes caught Wonho, who was peeping his head outside the tent.

I... I can't get the image of his arm out of my head. It's so strange, I must have been imagining things.

"... Minhyuk?"

"Huh? Sorry, what?"

Should I tell him about his arm?

"U-uh, Wonho...When I um, was..."

I was probably just imagining it, I won't tell him. I looked away when he gave me a questioning look.

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