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  Wonho's POV

I relunctantantly relaxed into the stained mat. Shownu and Jooheon had both left the tent, insisting that I get some rest. Not that I could do much resting anyway. The pain in my arm seemed to be spreading, if that made any sense at all. Before just my shoulder had been taking most of the pain, but now it seemed to be spreading to my upper arm. That's probably normal anyway.

Just staring at the ceiling I decided it was a good time to contemplate everything. You know, just the basic stuff, like,

Why do I keep trying?
Does it even affect anything?

I'm just going to die anyway. What is all this nonsense of just fighting to survive. I almost wish I bled to death- but no, because I wouldn't have been able to say goodbye to everyone. Dark. I shouldn't think like that. If you start thinking blah blah you become what you eat or whatever Kihyun says.

Ok, section two of contemplating.
Here's the next set of questions.

Why do I talk to myself like this? Almost like I'm telling a story. It's weird. How many people do that?

Not really a question that matters. Everyone's got their own little quirks. But not Hyungwon. All his quirks seem to be picking out all my flaws.

Well you know what, Hyungwon- you've got flaws to, like...



I've gotten side tracked. What was I even contemplating again?

Sighing, I sat up.

Truth be told, I don't like being alone. It's boring. And lonely. But if I even dare to leave the tent, everyone will give me that 'you're-supposed-to-be-resting-what-are-you-doing-out-here' look. You know the furrowed brow scowl that makes you feel guilty. Kihyun's the master at that one.

That's when I heard the soft pull of the tent opening.

Kihyun poked his head through and eyed me. I can tell he was trying to figure out if I was awake or not... I'm sitting up Kihyun, and I'm staring right at you. Obviously I'm awake. Are you going to come in or just stare at me...? And... I didn't say that out loud. So Kihyun was still staring at me.

"Uh... Come in?"

Kihyun gave a sharp intake before stepping into the tent.

"Hey... Minhyuk told me to check up on you when I got back. Not sure why though, it's not like I could tell him how you're doing. Because he's... And you're..." Kihyun gave a loose cough.

"Um... Yeah?" I answered uncertainly. How had things gotten so awkward this quick.

Kihyun sighed and joined me on the mat. "So? How are you doing? This isn't the first time you've gone through something like this." He asked.

"It's going about as good as you expect being shot in the arm would be."

"Don't joke." Kihyun nagged.


Kihyun shifted so he could see the bandage that laid across my chest and arm.

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