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Hannah Adams

I was always the kind of girl that preferred to stay unnoticed. I wasn’t really someone who knew how to handle too much attention and I was glad with who I was, a wallflower, almost inexistent to the world. The world was fine with that and so was I. My life wasn’t something you could make a movie about, or at least not an interesting one. I lived with my mom and brothers in an apartment in the city. I never knew my father, and my mom always refused to talk about him. Maybe it was too painful, or maybe she just really didn’t care. I had two friends, Hayley and Kate, and they were just as existent to the world as I was, but we had each other and that had always been enough.

Allison Scott

My life was perfect, no wait, I was perfect. I was perfect and I knew it. I lived every 15 year old girl’s dream and I made everyone notice. Because that is what perfect people do, they make every other living creature know they exist and that they are more perfect that anyone ever will be. I was beautiful, popular, rich and had the prettiest smile in the entire school. As far as anyone could see, I had nothing to complain about, and that’s the way I liked it to be. Of course I could tell people about how less my friends cared about me and how much they cared about my popularity and how popular it made them, or about how my parents were never home and had no idea who I was, but I didn’t, because I was perfect, or at least that’s what I wanted them to think.

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