Chapter 1 - Dying And Time-Travel

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(A/n: This takes place when Sakura, Sasuke, and Sarada fight Shin Uchiha. Of course there will be big changes in this fight...

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any characters (unless I add a OC) or Naruto. All I own is the plot. ʅ◞‿◟)ʃ

So this is Sakura's outfit

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So this is Sakura's outfit. I used a picture that I found on Pinterest and edited a bit to fit to my liking. Sooo not all the credit go's to me. AND I'M SORRY I'M THE WORST ARTIST EVER, I TRIED! And also Sakura's hair is the same when she (you know) fought with Shin in the anime.

Everything on the picture I drew except the original outfit and the eye's. The rest I drew on my phone.

Here's the original...

How did I do? Let me know in the comments!

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How did I do? Let me know in the comments!


Sakura's POV

I dodged Shin's blades as much as I could. My chakra was low— very low. I already used my byakugou but it vanished a few minutes ago, apparently Shin could drain chakra and could use it as his own. Right before I came here I was at the hospital, I did two surgeries and healed so much people while I was on my shift, That's the reason why I can't defeat this asshole. I was still doing pretty good, but I knew I could only hold up for a bit more. Shin and I had been fighting for about four hours, He was a bit drained but not as much as me. I was kind of surprised that no one came yet, but I didn't show my surprise.

I dodged some more of his blades, but this time a few skinned me, and one was lodged into my stomach. I didn't try to heal it, knowing that if I did I would just be draining myself more. I landed a punch to his face, sending him a few feet back. I quickly dash forward and kicked him up in the air, then shunshinned above him and kicked him to the ground, leaving a big crater. Blood tricked down his chin, but he quickly got to his feet and attacked. He threw a couple of punches, successfully hitting me, but I landed hits on him as well. We stopped for a second and took deep breaths but went back to the battle soon after. I was getting weaker and weaker— due to exhaustion. I punched and kicked, just hitting him a few times. I took sharp and raggedy breathes, I was almost to my limit, but I didn't show it.

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