Chapter Twenty-Eight - Unacceptable Target

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Chloe found Johnny and Sigur at breakfast the next morning and spoke to them in hushed tones over bacon and eggs. They almost burst with delight when they were updated with the new information. They agreed that the Red Guard should all be informed at the same time. The problem, of course was how to let everyone in on the information without tipping off the Pope or the Swiss Guard.

"Most revolutions are started with the written word," said Johnny.

"Johnny, this isn't the 1800s," said Chloe with a grin.

"Maybe not, but a lot of us are from that time period," Johnny said with a wink.

"Still, you need to keep up with the times, Johnny," said Sigur with a roll of his eyes.

"Alright, perhaps you're right. What do the times dictate?" asked Johnny.

"I would say text messaging, but our phones all belong to the Vatican, so we are not guaranteed privacy," thought Chloe.

"I think we're going to have to have a good old meeting," said Sigur.

"When and where?" asked Johnny.

"Before the next hunt, perhaps," said Chloe. Johnny and Sigur looked thoughtful and then nodded.

"I guess we should get going to training and listen for when the next hunt might take place. At the rate things are going, it will probably take place tonight," said Sigur.

Chloe nodded as they got up from their seats and headed out the door. She saw Felicity and Quinn on her way out and gave the a subtle thumbs up sign. They grinned back at her.

That day, Chloe sought out Philippe, whom she had spoken to a couple of days ago. She thought she should get to know him better in the hopes that he would be on their side. She was stretching her legs when she saw him walk in the door. He immediately walked over to Jessica who was standing on the other side of the room.

Chloe saw him start speaking angrily to Jessica and Jessica argued back with him. Chloe's curiosity was piqued as she watched them argue. She tried to move closer non-nonchalantly to hear what they were talking about with such emotion. Then she saw that Quinn was already over there and he gave her a warning look. Chloe stayed where she was and did her best to ignore what was happening. She would ask Quinn about it later.

It took a few minutes for Philippe to turn around and storm away. He punched the door open on his way out of the training room and stalked down the hall to where, Chloe had no idea. She glanced over at Jessica who was watching the door with a scowl. Chloe quickly looked away before Jessica's wrath could be turned on her. It looked like she would be in an especially foul mood today.

"Did you hear the news?" asked Sigur. Chloe nearly jumped out of her skin. Sigur had snuck up behind her and was whispering in her ear.

"No, what?" 

"The target for tonight is a former Red Guard," whispered Sigur with a mixture of excitement and anger.

"How do you know that? I haven't heard anything yet. At all," said Chloe with some annoyance.

"You have to keep your ear to the ground, Chloe. You have lots of good ideas, but you need to get better at gossip," winked Sigur.

"It's, like, not even nine in the morning yet, I don't know who you could've been talking to."

"I haven't been talking to anyone. I've been listening," said Sigur, "Jessica was a bit upset about the target, so she told her partner. The only problem was that Gerty is friends with Philippe, who was the target's partner when he was a Red Guard. So Philippe is rather furious. You saw the result of that. We will have to ask Quinn what he heard."

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