2nd Chapter

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The girls took their seats randomly And the class begins to start

~~~~~(Time skip, After the class)~~~~~

The girls went out of the class and went straight out of the school entrance

Leih called the driver to pick them up, less than 1 minute the driver came with the limousine..

The girls got inside the limousine and the driver starts driving to the mansion

(Time skip the girls have arrived inside the mansion gates)

The girls got out of the limousine and went inside the mansion.. The 25 maids and the 15 chefs greeted

the girls and make way for the girls to walk..

Welcome back home young mistresses The maids and chefs greeted while bowing/lowering

their heads 90 degrees.

The girls nodded and went to their big room and changed to their house clothes The girls

Heard a knock from the door Jessica opened the door and found a smiling maid

Yes, Auntie? Jessica said.

Sorry for disturbing young mistress but the food is served in the dinning room. The maid said

Ok, auntie. Well be right there. Jessica said before closing the door the maid nodded.

Guys, lets go down stairs to eat. Palli im hungryJessica said

Me too! may said

Ok They all said except for Jessica and May.

They went down stairs and had dinner After having dinner they all went to their room and

Brushed their teeth and change in sleep clothes Jessica turned off the light and they all went to sleep..

(Time skip)

Morning at 5:00

And as always Jessica and May woke up first Jessica and May woke up the girls and they started their morning routine

(Time skip)

At school

The girls got out of the limousine and walk their way to the school entrance

The boys and girls stared at them cause they look hot as fire. The girls got in the

Classroom and Mrs .Song is still not there.. after a few minutes later Mrs. Song finally

Arrived and mrs.song started talking.

Good morning class mrs.song said

Good morning mrs.song class said

Today I will be arranging youre seats with your seatmates. Ok! I will say

The seatmates that I have been ordering last night. First two seats will be

Seulgi and mark, next is minah and Jackson, followed by tzuyu and chanyeol, nayeon

Sehun, leih and jungkook, russ and taehyung, jyla and suga, inah and j-hope,

Jessica and namjoon, may and jin, and last but not the least Joanna and jimin.

You may now go to your assigned seats with your new seatmates.

Mrs.song said

Ne the class said while the gashina girls kept silent because

Their gonna be seatmates with their enemies except for the others cause

They are siblings.

Leihs POV.

Ugh!!! Why does mrs.song let my seatmate be jungkook? There are so many boys

That I can seat with Why him? Ugh!!! I was in deep thoughts I didnt know

That jungkook was staring and saying something to me the whole time..

Hey!!! Cant you hear me? Buy a hearing aid will you, by the way. Why are you in deep thoughts?

Are you dreaming about me? Jungkook/ mr.feeler said

Tch. Mind your own business will you. And why would I dream about a rude and a feeler guy like you?!

Leih said with an annoyed tone

BURN!!! The whole class said

And jungkook just glared at Leih. And leih stick out her tounge in reply.

(Time skip)

Third person POV.

The whole class hours the girls with their seatmates kept fitting and they wont stop until they fought back.

During their fighting session Mrs. Song stood up and got angry and gave them detention and the class continued.

THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!Gashini girls screamed while they were in the hallway.

How is it our fault youre the one who started the argumentBTS said

we cant do anything it already happened well just go to detention lets just accept our fate. Joanna and Jimin said in the same time.

^^^^^^^^^in detention^^^^^^^^

As we enter detention we saw Professor Park Hyun sik

why are you guys in detention? Prof. Phs said

sorry Prof we got into a fight with each other and got in trouble with Mrs. Song May and Jin said in unison May lowered her head so that they wont notice her blushing face.

We all sat down and didnt speak a word. After an hour of being silent Prof Phs let go of us but in one condition.

You girls and boys have to clean the school. Prof Phs said as he left us. W-waitwhat?! CLEAN UP???!

Does he knows that we are freaking rich. The teacher came back and said we will clean on Saturday.


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