How Ibis is a Cat Whisperer

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Mkay so I literally had this entire thing typed up and right before my final sentence I pressed a button and deleted the entire bloody thing. 

Since my long, lengthy, and beautiful story deleted, I will spare you the dramatic details and simply type it out in a short, straight to the point version.

It was a bitter wintry morning and I had just finished my workout, so I made my way into the dining room so that I could get into the kitchen and grab some food. However, while in the dining room I decided to glance out the window overlooking a field, where I saw a black cat enjoying the morning amidst the snow and withered corn husks. Being a humorous individual, I decided to open the window and meow at the cat. After meowing for a bit, I halted when the cat began to make it's way towards its house. 

I continued to watch it for a bit as it padded its way down the road, and I was moderately surprised when it continued on past its house and trudged towards mine. I watched in amazement as it literally walked down my driveway and through my yard until it stopped right next to the window I was at, where it sat down indignantly and waited. 

A meager smile creeping onto my face, I meowed by the window. The cat, that sweet little cat did not disappoint. That fluffy little thing meowed right back at me. After that, I had a conversation I couldn't understand with a cat that I had managed to lure towards me from 50 feet away. 

It was bloody hilarious.

Nothing more strange than watching a teenage girl have an avid conversation with a black cat through the slit in a frosted window. 

After awhile I stopped meowing and  the cat, disgruntled, eventually left. I carried on with my life and the kitten carried on with theirs. 

It was honestly the funniest thing. 

So, after that insightful moment in time, I have now realized my true calling: to become a cat whisperer. 

In twenty years I will have a show and t-shirts with my logo and my own brand of cat toy. And you will be able to say that you know the origins of the new Cat Whisperer. 

Lucky you


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