How to Reach Tomorrow, explained by an overly tired Ibis

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Since I have an old lady flip phone, if I want to talk to Risu I type up stuff on the google doc we share. So, last night we conversed for quite on the document, mainly discussing how our day had been, examples of morbid(and moderately inappropriate at times) humor, and Risu's funeral, along with various philosophical discoveries made by me(I get a bit loopy past 10pm). For humorous purposes, and to preserve authenticity, I have not edited the original version of this, so if it's not as brilliant as the other things we write, I'm sorry. It was late. I was tired. It happens. 


Ibis: Great Scott XD

          I am leaving now XD My chromy is at 4% and it's almost 12:30 for crying out loud XD.

         Congratulations buddy, we've both made it into tomorrow

          That's how you do it

          How you reach tomorrow

          You just have to get through the entire day

          Then you'll have reached tomorrow because you won't have noticed the difference in the time or day.

           Therefore, you could think that it was still today, look at the clock, then realize you reached tomorrow

           Oh, that's good

           My things at 1%

           Noight buddy XD XD

Risu: Huh, very philosophical

           Adios than Venezuala

If you would like further elaboration, I am willing to discuss this topic in the comments below or you can pm me :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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