10 Football Players with Erections Barreling Towards You at Full Speed

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Scarlett went to school as usual. She finally felt back to normal. After a few days, she even stopped thinking about grandma naked. She got back to normal. She felt so good she started doing her makeup.

A few weeks later she was assured everything was back to normal by the rumors that some of the football team was on speed. It didn't help that they were being more idiotic than normal and laughed at the rumors.

Then it started flying around they were doing other drugs, which was also laughed about. No one took it seriously or even cared enough to. Every adult seemed oblivious.

One night after a successful game of 60-0, Scarlett was taking pictures of the sky behind the football field. Their were trees to block the field from wind, which looked stunning with no one around. The grass was kept for a practice field. It was perfect for one of her aesthetics.

For one picture, she wore only her tank top and some ripped white jeans. She held her hands up so they held the moon. She heard something in the trees behind her. Then there was crashing. Ten football players were barreling told her. When they got closer, she could see each one had an erection.

The tallest, handsomest, but averagest player stepped forward. "Scarlett... Choose."


"Choose me," he said, clarifying nothing. "Come on, you love me more than James, right? The way you smiled during our project in government..."

Scarlett remembered Noah now. "Noah? This...this isn't you. I don't love either of you." She backed away from him, afraid of Noah. Noah was manner-tempered the year before, not a dumb jock that would do speed or whatever else.

"What do you mean, baby?" he asked, concern in his voice. He came towards her slowly. "You told me you did three weeks ago, right? After you told James you weren't going to prom, you said you'd go with me. Then you told James you were sorry. Then you told me you were just being nice."

"Noah, we haven't talked for at least a month, last school year in person."

"We did too." Scarlett wasn't aware of the other guys behind Noah. All that mattered was Noah and why he thought they talked.

"Noah, do you want to talk? Come on." He nodded, and Scarlett grabbed her flannel and threw it in her bag. She collapsed her tripod and put the camera around her neck. Noah took her tripod out of her hands without saying anything or being asked. Scarlett started walking to her car, making sure he followed.

Before they even got back to the field, Noah had grabbed her hand. She didn't jerk away to avoid angering him. She led him to her car. She threw her bag in the back and put her camera and tripod in carefully.

"Noah, can we go to the hospital?"

"What? Are you hurt?"

"No, Noah. We need to make sure you're okay."

"Am I not okay?"

"I don't know, but I want to know."

"You do love me."

"I care about you; I never said I loved you."

"You did before," he said quietly.

"Just get in the car," she said as she went over to the driver's seat.

"Why are you pretending we never dated?"

"Because we haven't. What are you on right now?"

"Just speed."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"Noah, don't lie to me."

"Honestly, I'm just on speed unless someone gave me someone else's stuff," he said defensively.

"I'm going to find out anyways. Call your mother. She must be worried sick over you."

"Probably not."

"Noah," she said warningly. He pulled out his phone and called her. He said he didn't know where he was going. Scarlett took the phone from him. "Mrs. Tethers? This is Scarlett."

"Are you Noah's girlfriend?"

"No, but he seems to think so. I'm not sure why. I think it's probably because of drugs whether he meant to take them or not. He might have a head injury though. I'm taking him to the hospital."

"Is he okay?"

"Other than he seems sure we're dating. I'm worried though. Can you meet us at St. Mary's on third street?"

"Yes. I'll be there soon," she promised.

"Why'd you tell her I'm on drugs?" he asked angrily.

"She'll find out, Noah. There's bigger problems going on. I do care about you, so I'll be there to remind her that, okay?" He seemed to cool down slightly but continued fuming. "I'm worried about you."

"Well, you don't love me anymore so I don't see why," he said half angrily, half sad. Scarlett glanced over to see he was crying. She couldn't imagine what he felt like right now, even if the drugs did shield his emotions or something.

"Noah, what's important right now is getting you off drugs. You will stop, won't you?"

"What if I don't wanna?" he said, childlike.

"Noah, please."

"James hates me now that he knows about us anyway."

"James asked me to prom as a dare."

"Now that I think about it, the dare was his idea."

"So he wanted to be able to say it was a dare in the case I said no? What a pussy."

"So you think I'm better," he said hopefully.

"That's not the point, Noah." She let her frustration show. "You're not going to end up a drug addict. You're too smart to be. You could be successful, Noah."

"Oh," he said quietly. He was clearly embarrassed. For the next few blocks, they sat in silence. "I... I heard that in Mr. Bluvee's class you screamed and fell to the ground. What happened?"

"I had a nightmare after I fell asleep."

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner."

"Noah, we aren't even friends. I haven't talked to you in a very long time. I don't know how you think we're dating."

"But I... But we... I still love you." Scarlett's heart hurt. She knew this was probably just some drug-induced bullshit or something.

Finally, they got to the hospital.

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