seven ; panwink

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!! this is gonna be a pretty long chapter ; so prep yourself yalls !!

[ guanlin pov ]

the way he licked his lips , how his eyes looked so dreamy .

yes , it has only been a day and i was already whipped for my senior , park jihoon .

he brought me first to visit his group member , bae jinyoung , the infamous deep dark bae jinyoung .

he looked so cold when he saw me and he didn't really bother to be friendly to me .

" are you scared of him ? "

jihoon asked as soon as we stepped out of his studio . i hesitated for a little while .

" don't be scared , he is a real teddy bear actually "

he laughed as the both of us made our way to my studio .

" your studio is way nicer than mine "

jihoon gawked at my studio as we entered in .

painted blue , it was decorated with picture frames of me and seonho , my bandmate and my child hood friend .

me and seonho were seperated ever since i needed to move to taipei , i moved back to korea recently to pursue my dream career .

when i heard that seonho was going to be in the same band as i was going to be , we both ran to each other arms crying tears of happiness .

" is this you when you were young ? "

jihoon pointed at a frame . i was a about to say yes but my stomach growled loudly instead .

" um ... do you want to grab lunch together ? "
jihoon asked as he tried hard to stifle a giggle . i nodded my head and the both of us headed to the canteen .

along the way , we joked about everything that we could think of that was until we were stopped by a crowd .

" what's happening ? "

jihoon asked as he tried to tiptoe on his toes and straining his neck to look past the crowd .

i tiptoed a little to see the chaos . a group of boys were beating up a orange haired male and a brown haired male .

the brown haired male seemed to be holding the orange haired male in his arms .

he turned around a little , making his face visible .

it was none other than the infamous bae jinyoung .

" jinyoung ! jinyoung ! "

i screamed alerting jihoon . his face turned white after i described what i saw  .

" g-guanlin , help me distract the boys , i will go save jinyoung "

jihoon said , before he disappeared into the crowd .

" hey ! "

i shouted , catching the attention of the four boys who turned pale .

they must have thought i was an authority that they immedietly fled away , pushing people .

i ran after them but they were too fast and they knew the school better and soon i lost sight of them .

" damn it ! "

i cursed and kicked a stone beside me .

" guanlin , are you okay ? "

a familiar voice behind me asked , i turned around to see seonho and an unfamiliar american looking boy .

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