fifteen ; jinhwi

383 18 1

nobody pov

[ three years later ]

three years , three years ever since daewhi and jinyoung became boyfriends  . they were the strongest close knit couple their friends had ever seen . there were hardly fights .

daehwhi and jinyoung's friends could confirm that they were fated to be each other . " daewhi , good morning " a smiling jihoon greeted daewhi at his doorstep .

wink had officially disbanded , with only a short span of two years of promoting .  the company that they were assigned to had financial problems and was forced to close down .

after wink had made its offical disband statement early in the year , jinyoung had opened a small cafe down the street of his apartment .

daewhi was currently living in jinyoung without having the worry to pay off his rents .

" hyung , why are you here ? shouldn't you be at work ?"  daewhi asked puzzled . jihoon was now working as a dance choreography teacher at the biggest idol company in korea and throughout the whole world .

" took a break off " jihoon smiled cheekily at daewhi before making his way in the small apartment .  he settled on the sofa as daewhi settled on the bean bag opposite him .

" where's guanlin?  " daewhi asked out of curiousity . " at home " jihoon giggled , daewhi sighed and rubbed his face .

" chill , i just came to pass you something " jihoon passed an envelope to daewhi . daewhi curiously opened up and saw an invitation to a party organised at jihoon and guanlin's shared house . 

" tonight ? why didn't you tell me this earlier ? " daewhi whined , he was stressing over his wardrobe . jihoon shrugged , a mischievous smile playing on his lips 

" come early . i'll help you choose your outfit . " jihoon winked before he walked to the front door and out , leaving a stunned and excited daewhi .

time ran fast as usual and daewhi could feel adrenaline coursing through his body as he hummed a song along the way to jihoon's house .

he checked his phone , no calls nor text from jinyoung . daewhi frowned a little .  usually , jinyoung would immediately answer daewhi's text or calls .

  it has been 3 hours since daewhi last texted jinyoung .  it made daewhi worry but he put it off by thinking the cafe was busy and jinyoung couldn't call back .

as he reached the front door of jihoon's house , he tried ringing the doorbell but no one came to the door .
daewhi pressed once again and the doorbell rang again but still , no one answering it .

" strange " daewhi mumbled as he tried the door handle . to his surprise , the door unlocked startling him .

he peeked a little on the inside to see it all pitch black . how could jihoon or guanlin had forgotten to lock their door  ?

something was amiss . groping in the dark , he tried to find the light socket . as he switched it on , he heard poppers coming from his back .

" surprise  " daewhi turned his back in shock , the house was decorated with red balloons and a ' congratulations ' banner was hung across the living room .

" w-whats all this for ? " 

daewhi asked . he looked to see all his friends here .  daniel and seongwoo were there , he had just met them recently through the courtesy of jinyoung introducing them .

little blessing 🌹  jinhwi [ completed ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin