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In a span of a few hours, I have been kidnapped, beat-up and been dragged into some gang mess I would have rather stayed out of. But no-one had given me a say in all of the above. How could they, the narcissistic fools.

We, by that meaning Joseph and myself, had freed ourselves rather easily from our restraints and had attempted our escape. Which, again, was rather easy, considering all the gun shots and the commotion taking place somewhere in this mansion

When I first realized the sheer size of this house, it had taken the breath away from me for a moment or two.Luxurious antiques spread out everywhere, just waiting for some burglar to grow some balls and score himself a fortune.I've once known a house like this, long ago. The resemblance was uncanny. I don't allow myself to stray too far into those thoughts. And what was the use anyway, of appreciating this enormous thing of beauty, when fore-mentioned size was working against me, being an obstacle in my plans.

How come the police aren't here yet? I'm pretty sure the what was going down over here must not have gone unnoticed by the locals. Somebody must've called and informed them by now.  But Joseph had said something about the masion being located outside of town. Maybe there wasn't another living soul for miles. The thought doesn't sit well with me. Was this little flick these guys had going on supposed to die out on its own? If that was the case, a lot of people were surely going to die, seeing as though a peace treaty, or whatever its called that's made in these situations,was unfathomable.

I wasn't running. Sure, I was trying to walk as fast as my legs would allow, but I didn't want to take the chance that I would run into some goon, giving my presence  away before I was prepared to reveal myself.

"Fucking hell...", a scream is heard.

It makes me second guess my decision. Okay, maybe I should just go back. But wait a second, I haven't heard a single gunshot for minutes on end now. Does this mean that the confrontation was over, and we could all go back to our normal lives?  Note the sarcasm.

Deep in thoughts, I hadn't noticed the looming figure behind me before it was too late. His whistle alerted me to his presence, and as I turned around, he had slapped me, knocking me down. I might've deserved that. How could I let myself get that distracted!

"Look what the cat dragged in...", he mocks, slamming his foot to my right side, no restrains on his force whatsoever.

Kicking me while I'm down. Low blow, dude.

"Aren't you the one they brought here with that scum?", he spits out, his contempt for Joseph evident in his voice.

Flipping over, I aim my legs in between his legs and hit as hard as I could, returning the favour. With a groan of pain and his hands between his legs, he bends over but doesn't fall on his knees. Why can't it be as easy as it is in the movies? But I hadn't counted on that anyway. Instead I pull myself up and punch him square in the face, several times subsequently.

"You bitch...", he growls as he, driven by fury and sheer will , punches me. Ugghh, that fucking hurt. It was on the same side that god-damned Cody had punched me. The imbeciles.

While I was busy complaining, he manages to score yet another punch on the other side of my face, momentarily surprising me into being stationary. But the thing was, I knew how to take a punch, and that was it for the creep.

Quickly gathering myself and standing up, I grab onto his shoulders and knock his face right into my knee. Repeatedly. Until I was sure that he had passed out. And I felt no remorse, cringing at the thought of imagining what my face must look like right now. All blooodied and bruised, those punches were definitely  going to leave their mark. I quickly search his unconscious form, looking for something, anything that could prove useful.

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