Never a Burden

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Warning: Dark themes are featured in this chapter. If you are triggered by certain words, it is advised you skip this chapter.
Diana often wonders how she managed to get you to be her girlfriend. You are beautiful, intelligent, sweet, and overall just an amazing person. Only 27, you had 3 PhDs, four masters and two bachelors--a genius a certified by the US Government, UN, and other organizations. Why you picked her...she will never know.

Besides close friends and family, no one knows that Diana struggles with Depression. Not even you. Diana felt lonely and abandoned when you leave for work. She knew it was illogical to think you abandoned her--you always came back in the evening and if you couldn't you would call her--but she couldn't help think you found out and left. Just like Penny left. Just like all her girlfriends before.

Diana sat quietly on the couch, one of your hoodies on. She is grateful you are so tall. She would pull your hoodies on and sit for hours, just smelling them because they are the few things that comforted her when you are away.


She looked up as you entered the living room. You wore jeans and t-shirt, your curly hair up in a bun.

"Hello  حب قلبي." (Rough translation: Love of my heart)

Diana smiled as you spoke to her in Arabic. You are Sudanese and Trinidadian but grew up in Britain.

  "Are you okay?"

Diana nodded.

"حب قلبي, Please don't lie to me. Are you okay?"

You had noticed Diana had seem withdrawn lately. You didn't want to profile her but you had a feeling she is depressed.

"I'm fine."

You kissed her and she returned it, holding your face. You pulled back and she whimpered.

"حب قلبي, Please don't be angry or offended with me asking, but are you depressed?"

Diana felt her heart stop. You knew. You are going to leave.

"Diana? Diana?"

She pulled away and you frowned, quickly pulling her back into your lap. She struggled before a sob left her. You held her while she cried.

"Are you going to leave?"

"Why would I leave?"

"They all leave once they find out."

"I am not "they". I am your girlfriend and I told you that one day I shall marry you and I mean it."

Diana nodded.

"Come. Do you want me to cook for you?"


You chuckled.

"Absolutely my حب قلبي."

Diana laid down while you went to cook.
Diana knocked on the door before hearing a soft, "come in". She peak in and saw you typing away.

"Am I bothering you?" Diana asked quietly.

"Not at all baby."

Diana walked over and you opened your arms letting her sit in your lap. She straddled you, legs wrapping around your waist, and hugging your torso. She rest her head on your shoulder, face in the crook of your neck.

"Did you shower?"



"I had the rest of pancakes."

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