Author Note

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Hey guys!
Couple of things:

1. This may be my last WNBA one shots book. I've been having difficulties coming up with new ideas/plots and I hate being overly repetitive.

2. Someone recently commented on a story I have asking if my books are "lesbian or not?" And maybe they weren't trying to be rude but it came across as rude. I write gay books on WOC. Why? Because I'm gay and because I want to. If that's a problem you can simply not read my books.

3. I will be trying to update this book and my other WNBA books as soon as possible. I've just been busy with school and work.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me this long!

Queen Xenon

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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