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Dear Shawn,

It's been two months now, and I still miss you as much I did last month. I keep telling myself that everything will be fine, and I can move on. I guess that's the only motivation I have at the moment.

The fans are still tweeting you, just wishing you'd reply like you sometimes used to. I've met a few more since you've been gone. The little girl who proposed to you in Australia earlier this year, I met her. She was so sweet.

You know what she said? She told me; "Just because Shawn's gone physically, doesn't mean he's gone mentally or emotionally. He'll always be around, and he'll always love you, even in the after life. He'd never stop loving his wife." She then gave me this ring, and told me; "Shawn told me to give this to you after he went to heaven, because he knew that he wouldn't live long enough to ask you himself. And he also said to tell you that he loves you so much."

It was gorgeous, Shawn. I had absolutely no idea that you were going to propose, like I shouldn't have known anyway. I would've said yes in an instant, despite the future arguments that were bound to come along. You knew about the cancer the whole time? Why didn't you tell me you were sick? I'm not mad at you. How could I be? There's nobody here to yell at anymore because the cancer took over. I miss you so much.

Demi x

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