Chapter 3: The Night

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When I finally got into my new apartment I felt like I was just dreaming. It finally came to me that the man who I lived with and thought was my dad was just some other man."

While unpacking and decorating my new apartment I got some more time to think. I thought about how my "mom" couldn't tell me even though I was nineteen. How I was dumb enough to realize my own "dad" was in fact not my dad. We were nothing alike. How could I not see it. I loved art and music, and he hated that sort of stuff. He was more like Will that way they both were hardcore sport fans.

I got time to think of how I was going to break this to Will. Like what am I supposed to say. Oh hey bro I just found out that we don't share the same dad or mom. Or, hey Will you see this guy in this picture that's my real dad and apparently he is a COMPLETE PHYSO!

I finished unpacking my stuff and was just going sit down to relax. I took the picture and sat on my bed. I took my phone out and took a picture of the photo so I could zoom in. Just looking at the picture made me have mixed emotions. Like what did he do to my mom that was that bad? Where could I find him? What is he like? All these questions but no answers. I put the photo down and drifted into a peaceful slumber.

I wake up at 2 a.m. and I go out to get a drink. I walk to my kitchen and I see that the door is open. I thought I closed it. I walk over to the door to close it and I see that someone has broke in. My thought is like, wow the first day in my new apartment and I already had a break in. I start to looking in places that I put something very valuable, but everything seems to be there. I look at the island in the kitchen and I see a note. I'm way to tired and out of it to focus so I thought I might just read it later. Since it was a Sunday I went back to sleep and I sleep in til around 8 a.m. .

Later in the morning I got dressed, put on my makeup and I got ready for the day. I see the note on the table and I see that it's a yellow paper with blue lines. I thought it was something from a box because I like to write. I didn't think much about it. I grabbed an apple and my eyes and I headed out. A couple minutes down the road and I realize that it's Sunday. I turn around and I head the opposite direction. To my "family's house". I go up to the house and it's pitch black inside.

I open the door with the spare I found under the mat and I peek my head around the corner. I see Will sitting in the dark with his head to his knees. Walking up to him I touch him on this shoulder and he doesn't move. I listen in a little closer and I hear the gentle sob of a frightened boy. I drop down to my knees and I wrap my arms around his shaking body.

Will looks up and there is fear in his eyes. He is whiter than a ghost and he could shatter into a million pieces. The eyes of one who haven't slept all night stare at me. His glassy eyes look like the soul has been ripped out of him. A soft whisper comes out of his mouth and it says, "gone."

The best thing I could do was just sit there on the floor with him until he wanted to talk.

After awhile he looked up again and he said, "he took mom and dad. He took mom and dad." He started to run his hands through his hair. The only other thing he said was, "he's a monster."

My first reaction was that he was joking.  But the feeling was off. I turned on the lights and made him some food. He talked a bit more about how a man came in the middle of the night and he just kidnaped mom and dad. He talked about how there was a note left on the table but he didn't want to read it so he threw it in the fireplace. The every last thing he told me before he went silent was that the man kept saying my name.  I only thought of one person who could do this and that was my real dad.

I told him that he would be staying at my apartment until we found his parents. I told him about how someone got into my apartment too, and how I have a note too. He just sat there. A blank face, a lost soul. I felt horrible. If I only told him right as I found out. Now he is sucked into it and there is nothing he can do.

We headed back the my place and he took a nap on the couch. I looked at him and thought of how lucky he was to know how his real parents were. I was jealous of a seven year old.

I pick up the note and I thought about what it could be.  I was going to read it with Will by my side. We were going to get through this together.

I thought of why my dad would take my other "parents". Does he want to kill them. Or is this a sign that he wants me to find him and be with him.

Later when Will woke up he was the exact same as before. I didn't know when he was going to snap out of it but any time would be good. Even though, I should cut him some slack because his parents are now missing.

I sit down beside Will and I pick up the note. My eyes widen at what I see.

What happens next? What does the note say? Stay tuned for more.

Hey. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile writers block and all other stuff. I hope you like it and don't forget to VOTE!!!!!!

The Man in the PhotographOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora