Chapter 4: The Note

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What we see on the note was devastating. Who knew that a little yellow paper had a life threatening note. Will opened his mouth and started reading, "I said I would get my revenge and here I am. Millie you WILL be mine. 18 years I've waited. And 18 years I've watched you. I watched you grow. I've watched you learn how to ride a bike and to drive. I'm proud of how well they brought you up. But now the time has come for you to return to me. Your "mom" and "dad" are locked away until you find me. If your reading this you can't go back. I will give you a clue every week u til you find me. But remember every week is a week that they will get whipped and tortured. And if you even think of a loop hole, or if you even think of getting the cops involved, they will die immediately. Hope to see you soon, Millie. Love DAD."

"Oh my goodness, he came after me. After all this time nothing and now out of the blue he just wants me to be his. And it all started when...when I found the photo."

"Millie, why does it say that "dad" wrote this? And why are you talking about a photograph? Millie what's going on," he asked sounding unsure if this was even real.

"Here," I pulled out the picture and showed it to Will, "see this man. This man is my real father."

"What the heck are you talking about Millie? Have you gone insane?!"

"Will, I think it's time I tell you everything."

"Who is this man Millie? Why is he doing this? How do you know that this isn't a JOKE!??"

"Will are you ready for the truth?"

"No shit I'm ready! Ok I'm not a little boy anymore. Yes, I want to know the truth about why this guy has my parents. Why this guy is doing this to us? And now I'm in this with you no matter how you badly you don't want me involved."

"Ok, while I was cleaning out the last things from my room I found a photo. I thought it was your dad when I first looked at it. When I looked closer I saw that it couldn't be my dad. The woman you see in the photo is grandma. She told me everything. She told me about how when I was a child I was found at her door step. It all started with my mom and dad having a big fight. One night they just blew up with anger. Grandma says the fought for hours. Next thing you know they wanted a divorce and my mother wanted to have me but dad won't let that happen. Next thing grandma knew about a week later she found me on her door step. She couldn't take care of me so she gave me to your dad or my uncle."

"Wow! Just wow. Your life....your life is messed up. Like woah!"

"Haha, yeah I suppose it is."

"We will find them Mille. We will find them and your dad and we will give him what he deserves."

"Thanks Will. Your the best little brother I could every have."

"Technically I'm your cousin."

"Whatever. Your the best cousin in the world," I said, "now let's get some food in you and then off to bed I'll take the couch."

"K, could we have cheese pizza with extra cheese?"

"Of course," I pick up my phone and start to call Little Caesars, "Yes, hello I would like one cheese pizza with extra cheese. Also one pepperoni with stuffed crusts. My address is 5467 on Longey Street. You will see the building and then apartment 13. Thanks bye."

After the food came we sat and talked. We talked about how the man looked and how we were going to stop him. We didn't dare find loop holes because he was probably listening right now. I sent Will off to bed and I sat on the couch. What the heck is wrong with my life? First I get to find out something that will literally change my life forever. Then there's the note which my mentally unstable dad just broke in and put on my island. Next thing I know it's morning.

Waking Will up was the hardest thing to do. When I did I said he could stay home from school if he wanted after everything that happened but he insisted on going. I'm driving him to work and I turn on the radio. I hear the woman's voice and I turn up the volume. "Yesterday the police got a report that two parents have gone missing. The two kids are now living together on there own with no parents and no clue where they are. I'm your host Carry Skyon with the breaking news. Now on to the weather." I turn the radio off and look at Will.

"Millie how could they know that they were taken. Did you call the police and tell them?"

"Will, don't worry I didn't call the police. I'm starting to think that this has something to do with my dad. He probably told them anonymously."

"Well anyway," Will sighed, "were at school so see you later ok?"

"Ok. Oh and Will I'll pick you up after school because we are going to get you something. Bye bud, see. you later." Now to work.

I walk into the tattoo place that I work at and everyone stares at me. One of my co-workers, KJ, came up to me. "Hey I heard about what happened to you. Dude are you ok?"

"How do you know?"

"It was just on the news they said that they could say the kids names so they did. Are you hanging in?"

"Will and I are holding in just fine. Now I am going to work. I can help the next one over here."

"Ok, but if you need anything just let me know and I'll help you through it."

"For now could we just drop the topic please." I didn't want to act rude so I smiled and starting helping my customer.

Later I picked up Will and we headed to the store. "Hey Millie what are we doing here?"

"Will you need to get a phone. With everything that is going on you need to be able to call me or text me if my dad shows up."

"Wow, really. That's awesome."

"Yes but it's for protection ok? You have to use it right."

"Ok, got it," Will said.  We got his new phone that he was so excited about and headed home. When we came home there was an envelope addressed to "my daughter, from DAD".

"Will," I showed him the envelope, "I think this is our first clue as to were your parents are."

"Well what are you waiting for read it." I unwrapped the envelope to find a usb.  I plug it into my computer and a video pops up on the screen. Was this my dad!


Hey this is megan. Hope you like chapter 4. I hopefully post chapter 5 soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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