act I, scene III

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After her roommate, Rosine, had used up all her tears, she proceeded to the bathroom and had been in there ever since. She was worried for her. She did not know what kind of things Rosine would do in the bathroom and she refused to think the worst. She had tapped on the bathroom door minutes ago, the very moment she heard the faucet stop running, to check up on her. Rosine insisted that she was alright and had assured her that she would not do anything silly. She said she just needed some time to wash up and calm down. That did not stop Delphia from being concerned though. Hence, she was perched on the bed frame, ready to burst into the bathroom if she heard anything wrong.

Knock. Knock.

She swerved her head sharply toward their dormitory door. She was not expecting any visitors today, especially not so early in the morning. She got up from the bed frame and made her way to the door cautiously. Now she wished that the dormitory doors had a peephole because then, could she look through it and see who it was before actually opening the door. What if it was Rosine's boyfriend? She highly doubt Rosine was in the mood to see him right now. But even if the university had grown a brain and installed a peephole on the dormitory door, she still would not have known whether to open the door. This was simply because in the whole week that she was here, she never had the opportunity to meet her roommate's boyfriend. Whenever he was coming to see Rosine, Delphia would happen to have other errands to run.

Knock. Knock.

She was torn between opening the door and leaving it shut. She did not know which would be a better option. Helplessly, she leaned against the dormitory door with her back against the door and her front facing the open window in the room. She looked through the window at the sky. The sky was clear except for small wisps of clouds which slowly drifted towards her. What would happen if she were to open the door? She saw it in the sky. It would be Rosine's boyfriend and Rosine would want to talk to him. They would talk it out and─ She did not need to know so much. She turned back and faced the dormitory door. She could still hear the faucet running in the bathroom. Hand on the door knob, she opened the door. She knew it would be Rosine's boyfriend, but she did not know that he would look like this.

He had a fresh buzz cut, leaving only short stubs of hair on his head. She could not tell his exact hair colour, but she knew it was dark. He had soft cheeks, plum lips and thick eyebrows. His eyes, they were shining back at her. She could see a myriad of blues, swirling in his iris. She could see the light from the window hitting off his eyes, and they sparkle. At different angles, she could see different shades of blue. She could see all shades of blue; azure, cobalt blue, ultramarine, all at once. His eyes, they blind her. In his eyes, she could see what she loved, the soft hue of cornflower blue. They were beautiful. They were more than beautiful. His eyes were a masterpiece. There was no way any painter or any photographer could capture all those hues of blues. His eyes, they were celestial. She could get lost in them.

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