act I, scene IX

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There was a mutual understanding between Carlyle and Delphia. It germinated that day, after the incident in the car, after their interaction that night. It was not a conscious effort on either part but was more of a mere coincidence that mutual respect blossomed. Either way, they found themselves on board the same journey─ to right the wrongs and to sculpture the perfect resolution. Delphia decided after much late-night thinking that the best way to bring up the issue was to not bring it up herself. The best way to probe at the thorn in Rosine's chest was to get Rosine to raise the problem herself. It was very much easier said than done. Despite the drunk ramblings that night, Rosine did not express any form of want to confide in her. That was a stumbling block for, she did not want to push Rosine beyond what she felt was comfortable. Everyone heals at their own pace. Healing was a process that no one can hurry. Delphia did not want to be the unreasonable one to force Rosine to heal faster than she could. Healing takes time. No amount of money or magic could speed up the process. Besides not knowing if Rosine was mentally prepared to move on, Delphia had another obstacle to overcome. To say the truth, she was afraid Rosine did not remember confessing her and Carlyle's history to her. Yet, she also did not want to make use of her abilities gifted to her by some higher divine being. She truly did want to help Rosine, but she wanted to do it on her own terms. She wanted to do it with her own might and sheer will. Having all this in mind, she crafted a plan.


"How does this look on me? Does it make me look fat?" Rosine questioned, twirling around in a blood red dress. The dress barely covered her butt and the neckline was dangerously low. Delphia might have never chosen this dress but she had to admit the dress made Rosine look fiery hot. It hugged Rosine's curves and accentuated her distinctive round hips. "I think it looks beautiful on you. But are you thinking of wearing this around campus? I am quite sure there is some rule against this..." she trailed off. Rosine gave her an incredulous look. "I didn't know you were a stickler for the rules. Besides, I was thinking this dress could be my party dress, like something I could wear to parties or to the bar." Delphia's heart skipped a beat. This felt like her chance. She balled her hands into fists to prevent her hands from shaking in anticipation. She could hear the blood pounding in her ears. This was her chance.

"I agree. If only you had bought this dress earlier. You could have worn this to the party last Friday." Delphia drew out, watching Rosine carefully. Rosine did not miss a beat. "I think you should try this dress too. Come take it. Go try it." Delphia shook her head and stood up from the seat. "Rosine, do you remember what happened that night?" She kept silent, choosing to look at the dresses on the rack instead, taking the time to finger each and every dress. The silence told Delphia everything. She did remember. She must have remembered her confession, Carlyle and Gideon. Why was she not saying anything else then? Why did she not cry on Delphia's shoulder and ask her for help? "I am your friend, Rosine. I want to help you, but you have to help me. You have to talk to me, Rosine." Rosine picked up another dress. "This one will look good on you and it looks like your style. Go try it, it makes your eyes pop." Delphia took a step forward so she could make eye contact with Rosine. "Rosine..."

Instead of answering her, Rosine threw the dress into Delphia's hands and walked away. Delphia quickly placed the dress back on the rack and chased after her. "Rosine!" she called after her, trying to force her legs to go faster. Beads of perspiration collected on her forehead. As she neared Rosine, Rosine came to a sudden stop. "Stop. Just stop. I don't want to hear anything. Why can't you leave me alone? Why do you have to keep bothering me?" Delphia stopped short in her tracks, shock colouring her features. "I... I..." Rosine threw her a glare that chilled Delphia to her bones. The expression painted on her face was akin to the one she wore when she broke up with Carlyle. "Stop trying to counsel me. I'm not one of your experimental subjects. I'm not someone you try to analyse during your psychology class! Why can't you let me be? Aren't you studying psychology? Shouldn't you know not everyone wants to talk about their issues or want any form of help? If you have so much time, you might as well go study. By the looks of it, you suck at it." Rosine screamed at her, looking much like a madman. Her red hair was sticking all over the place, and her makeup was smudged.

Delphia did want to help. It was not because she was studying psychology and wanted to work on a living, working subject. She chose to study psychology because the passion burned from within. She craved to know more about the human mind, man's mannerism and the many reasons behind the many actions we make. She was thirsty to empathise with others, to feel what they felt, to see the world through their eyes. But she had a limit, she had a threshold for pain. She knew deep in her heart that Rosine had not meant what she said. She wanted to believe that Rosine had said all that in a fit of anger and with the want to push Delphia away from her. She truly wanted to focus on the good in Rosine, but she had a limit and Rosine had pushed it. Not only did Rosine criticise her professionalism, she also attacked her ability and capability. "If you don't want me to bother you, fine. That's fine by me. Just don't regret burning this bridge." With that, Delphia turned tail and headed back to where they were before. Just because Rosine wanted to ruin the day and everyone's mood did not mean Delphia was going to ruin a perfectly good day to shop.

She went through the rack of clothing and tried finding the dress Rosine picked up just minutes ago. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Rosine walking towards her, looking at Delphia with wary eyes. Delphia ignored her. Trying to cope with a break-up did not justify putting others down. Rosine of all people should know how much being put down hurt. She said it for herself that night at the party. She hated the way she was mocked for not being the stereotypical beauty. Rosine should have never said all that. The circumstances of which it was said was of no matter; some things simply cannot be said. She removed the dress from the rack and placed it over her arm. Delphia knew she was being childish. She knew she would simmer down in a couple of hours, but she wanted to lash out at Rosine too. If Rosine could lash out at her, why couldn't she?

Before starting towards the dressing room, Delphia turned around so she could look Rosine in the eye. She flashed Rosine the meanest look she could muster. "Just so you know, no colour can make brown eyes pop. That's nonsense." With that, she stalked off to the dressing room.

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