act II, scene I

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She was awake.

The ground beneath her feet felt aching familar. The wind in her hair, the coldness of her cheeks, the way her toes tingled; she has felt this way before. She could feel the tugging from deep within her bones, the unresistable pull pouring out of every cell, every fibre. She needed to be here. There was no other explanation—her soul belonged here. She felt as if she was living through a second skin, looking through a pair of lens; the surreality of this all was unreal. She could see the vastness of the blue sky but through a perspective she never thought of before. The sky was not above her, sheltering her from the world beyond the planet. The sky surrounded her, bathing her, coddling her in its army of clouds. She was in the sky and she was standing on a cloud. She could double over and laugh till she runs out of air to breathe. What a reality! The white mass of moisture laid below her feet and instead of experiencing the sensation of wetness on her soles, she felt a warm, firm ground. Gingerly, she placed a foot in front of her, lowering it slowly to the ground, wanting to test the stability of the cloud beneath her. It felt as safe as a concrete pavement on the earth.

Somewhere off in the distance, Delphia makes out a shimmering mist. It glitters in the sunlight, reflecting off an array of colours, much like a glass prism. Something heavy sets in her chest and she feels her heart lurch forward, towards the mist. What originally started off as cautious padding turned into a quick jog as Delphia neared the mist. She reached out into the mist tentatively, fingertips tingling as the cool moisture gently kisses her. As if on instinct, she reached deeper into the mist, fingers seeking out something she cannot remember. And she finds it. Cool to touch, she swipes her fingers along the surface, feeling the familarity of it all. She has been here before; there is no doubt about it. Delphia steps into the mist, her eyes fluttering shut as the chill envelopes her in an embrace. As quickly as the cold came, it left her, leaving her face to face with clear glass. Her fingers fall off the glass in surprise just as what was once clear glass morphed into a mirror.

In the reflection, she can see galaxies in her eyes and stars lining her cheeks, trailing down and down, till it gently brushes her collarbone. Glitter and gold is sprinkled on the crease of her eyes. She looked out-of-worldly. But yet, this was and was not her. Eyes wide in sudden mortification, her reflection parts her lips, her mouth forming words she cannot deduce. Delphia leans forward to the glass, eyes set on her reflection, but still she cannot understand. Her reflection starts to bang her hands at the glass, her eyes no longer wide with mortification but eyes peeled open in evident panic. With a final bang on the glass, her reflection shatters and Delphia is sent backwards by a strong gust of wind and glass. The shards of glass skim her skin and suddenly, in an eureka, she finally understands what her reflection was trying to tell her. She was telling her— (you can never keep us apart)


She springs awake to Rosine's calls. "You alright, Delphia? You were shaking violently in your sleep." Rosine comments as Delphia pulls herself up against the headboard. Wiping off beads of cold sweat on her forehead, she assures Rosine with a nod. "You sure about that? You were even murmuring in your sleep! Something about keeping something away?" Delphia frowns, her eyebrows drawing together in deep thought. "I don't remember what I was dreaming about, actually. But don't worry, Rosine, I'm fine now."


As soon as she stepped out of the lecture hall, she was pulled into a hug. Looking up at the assaulter, she saw the all too familar blonde with sharp grey eyes. A small smile settled on her face. "Hi Gideon," she greets him. He beams back at her, his eyes shining in what Delphia has now recognised as passion.

It has been quite a while since she has seen Gideon; the last time she had interacted with him properly had been that night at the party. A lot has happened since then, she reflects. During that passed time, she had the opportunity to better understand Rosine and Carlyle. Rosine was healing, albeit slow, but she was progressing. Long gone were the nights spent in fountains of tears and in place of them were late night talks of the past and the future. Rosine is in a better place now; perhaps the ending of the relationship she shared with Carlyle was what Rosine truly needed. An awakening, a rebirth, a coming out from under the rocks to step into the sun after so long; a change.

She could sense the change in Gideon as well. He felt lighter, freed from the crippling mentality that he had to fit snugly into the mould society had created, realising he can step away from the shadows and show the world who he truly was. It was heartwarming to see him grow. She sees him now, bouncing on his feet, fingers twitching, as if anxious to spread a piece of news to her. "Would you come for my first play, Delphia?" he asked, his eyebrows drawn high in expectation. She gave him a smile. "I would love to, Gideon. Tell me when and where, and I would be there." He beamed at her and pulled her into a hug once more. "I asked Carlyle too and he agreed, just so you know." Delphia frowned, her mind not comprehending this sudden fact given to her. "Why are you telling me this?" Gideon pulled away from her and smirked. The right side of his lips pulled upwards as his grey eyes narrow in mischief. This was the look that made girls and boys alike fall at his feet, that made them weak at the knees and compelled them to carve their hearts out as offerings. He gave her a wink and waved at her as he stalked off. Before Delphia could make any sound of protest, Gideon's low rumble ricocheted off the walls. "Do not take me as a fool. I have eyes, Delphia, I can see the attraction between you. Don't think for once second that I am blind!"

Delphia felt her face bloom in embarrassment. She quickly ducked her head and headed off to the diner, trying hard to ignore those passing looks of judgement as eavedroppers to their conversation looked upon her. Silently she berated Gideon for his quick mouth and unfiltered mind, but yet she smiled softly to herself. Somewhere deep in her heart she knew she was doomed the moment she laid her eyes on him. There was an electrifying connection that could not be hidden, that she could not deny. However beautiful the feeling was, it haunted her, even in her sleep. There was a unspoken code for friendships and Delphia knew that falling in love with one's friend's ex-boyfriend was an absolute no go. She was adamant on not letting Carlyle and her relationship develop further, but how successful she would prove to be, well, that would be a story to tell.

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