May 29th, 2014 - 1:38 a.m

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To say I am stressed is an understatment. My last day of school is tomorrow because I have commencement rehearsal Friday because the Graduation ceremony is Saturday. So tomorrow is it, and I have 4-5 finals due yet. So I'm freaking out a lot. 

But despite my stress, I'm excited,  I'm really excited to be graduating even though I am so upset to be leaving my friends, my teachers. 

I had my final band concert on the 28th, and afterword I just got really low because I grew up in the band room, I became who I am today because of the band room. It's so odd to think that after Saturday, I don't have to go back. I'll be done, after 12 years of work. I just really can't believe it. 

Other than the stress on Tuesday the 27th I had another concert put on by two old teachers of mine, one is a band teacher and the other is a music teacher who is also one of my glorious, beautiful, quirky directors and have SERIOUSLY changed my life like no other. It was because of this woman that I became an actress. I owe my livlihood, and my future to her. Anyway, every year she brings back a few alumni to perform for the audience and this year she had myself and my friend Maggie, (probably some name in Drabbles, although I don't think so...) perform "For Good" from Wicked and when it was all said and done I dedicated it to the people who helped me through life. I named the friends of mine performing, Lewis, April, Kelsey, Maggie, the teachers, my mom and my Grandma. Just to name a few people who have "changed me for the better" and I even said that, I thanked them for helping me change into who I am today. 

It was really heart felt, and sad because every last performance. I don't know when I'll sing with any of these people again, and it really makes me sad. I love singing with these people. Maggie and I did really well! Maggie took the part of Glinda while I took the part of Elphaba. One: I felt Elphie's part fitted more of the thank you I was trying to say through music as well as I LOVE Idina Menzel! So woot! 

Well, back to my finals and studying, I just wanted to write quickly. 

P.S. If you're reading this, I graduate on the 31st. I am excited, even though I said this up there. But


Always and Forevermore, 

Bry <3

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