June 3rd, 2014

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Can I say Dear Journal Wattpad? It sounds more personal, instead of making me feel like I'm talking to an audience of probably over thousands. Idk. Let me see what happens. 


The last time I wrote, it was the day of my graduation. Well, graduation happened. I played with the band for the last time, I got my cap and gown on, I marched into the gym, I sat, I listened, i stood, I walked to the center of the stage and looked back at the band. The band where I grew and then marched down and waited more, until it ended where I then got my diploma, and got pictures with everyone. 

Honestly Wattpad journal thing, I don't remember much about that day. It feels like a blur. Apparently people cheered for me, the band specifically. But I don't remember a cheer, apparently I waved. I don't remember lifting my hand. I don't remember anything except the people I shook hands with and the ever constant stream of "thank you' coming from my lips. I just don't remember.

What I do remember is the pictures. I have nearly 200 pictures to remember this day and that makes me so happy. I have a lot of pictures of me hugging my friends, Lewis and Daerian specifically are two people I'd like to mention.

I love those boys with all my heart.They're my best freinds and I don't know how I'd make it through some things without them. I truly do love them to bits. I told Lewis I'd miss him and he said he'd see me all summer, but I still miss him. I still miss seeing him. I will until I see him daily again. School gave me assurance I'd see not only Lewis, but Daerian, April, Kelsey (Emily in the drabbles.) just everyone. Without school, it's no longer a given.

It's odd.

My current profile picture on Facebook is a picture of Lewis and I, and my grandma made a comment saying "You never looked happier" and I haven't. One, I just graduated, but two. It's Lewis. And he will always make me smile brighter than the sun, feel better about myself, always have my back, and just be the great guy he's always been.

When I change the pictures, it will be Daerian and I. I love him.  A lot, so I'm so thankful that we're going to the same college . Because I don't know what I'd do without my Daer Daer. 

Well that's all. 

Just letting you know I did it, and I'm happy. 



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