Chapter 3- The Market

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That night, Enjolras let me sleep in his bed and he slept downstairs. I expected to have trouble sleeping, but I was easily able to slip into sleep. For some reason, I felt secure. Like I was safe. 

The next morning, it was raining. I woke to hear the perfect sound of rain dripping down the window. When I went downstairs, Enjolras had pastries and loaves of bread out for breakfast that looked delicious. He was eating a croissant and looked up when I came down the stairs. He smiled pleasantly. "Good morning,"

"Morning," I replied, and sat down at the table. I picked up an éclair and started munching on that while I stared out the window. 

"So," Enjolras said, "what is our plan?"

I furrowed my brow. "What do you mean?"

"Are you going back to the palace or do you want to stay here for longer?"

"Oh," I hadn't thought about it. Of course, I knew the logical choice was to return quickly, but I didn't really want to. The palace was cold and had people like my father and Leonardo. Then again, it also had those I loved like all my siblings and my mother. But at least here, I was free. I could make my own choices and I could actually side with those I agreed with. "Could I stay here?"

"Of course you can." He answered with a smile. Silence settled over the meal as we ate. The candlelight on the table to keep the slightly dim room visible hit his face with perfection. His blue eyes were striking as his gaze followed raindrops down the window pane. It shone off his curls like gold and took my breath away. His eyelashes were long and beautiful, and his pure, pink lips made me want to lean forward and kiss him. 

I mentally slapped myself. I was betrothed to Leonardo. As awful as he was, I would have to marry him, and falling in love with another man would only make my predicament worse. But then a thought crossed my mind. If France didn't have monarchs, then I couldn't be forced to marry Leonardo. 


He looked up. "Oui?"

"When is the next meeting for your group of... uh, renegades?" I said with difficulty. The word that came to mind was traitors. That was all my father ever called them, and I found myself struggling to find a less offensive term. 

He examined me for a moment, his eyes flickering between each of mine. "Today, why do you ask?"

"I want to go with you," I said. He raised his eyebrows and took another bite of his croissant. I knew what he was thinking. If I was there, I would learn the identities of many more people in the rebellion. Taking me would risk many of his friends if I decided to tell my father who they were and get them executed. 

"I don't think so, Evony. I think it'd be a better idea for you to stay here." He replied. I could tell he was struggling with his options. 

I nodded solemnly. "It's alright, I understand. Maybe later, I suppose?"

He shrugged. I took that as a no. 

"Anyway, I think I'm going to go into the town today and to the market to get some things I need if I'm to be staying a little longer," I informed him. I had finished my éclair, so I stood up and walked over to set my plate down beside the basin for washing. "Oh, and I can get water from the well for you."

"That is very kind of you, but you don't have to do that," He assured me, standing to put his empty glass of milk and plate down beside mine. 

I waved him off. "Oh, don't worry about it. You are letting me stay here, and that's very gracious of you. I'd be happy to get some water from the well."

He smiled a bit as he turned and went to the door. His red jacket hung on a peg beside it. He easily slipped it on like a second skin and opened the door. "I'm heading out."

Lionessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें