Dear Michael

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Michael's P.O.V

Dear Michael,

I am still shocked about last night, I'm afraid you can't reach me since you got me pregnant, my father has been unpleased with me and has forced me to abort the baby...It brakes my heart to kill a creature, Thanks for ruining our plan Jackson Michael

From Y/N

I read it once more, it has been 7 years since I got this letter

When I got this I broke down I've been fücking random girls who needed my large cöck, I just wish I could find her...only her

"Yo Man stop reading that letter" Mac said as he threw me a crumbled paper on my head

I rubbed my head as I stared at the old paper, I've missed her so much since then...I wish I could just see her and ask if our child is still with her

"Yo Mike, shut that brain of yours because we're leaving to Las Vegas tonight, better pack up" Mac says in a bored expression as my eyebrows raise in sadness

"B-but I haven't found Y/N yet..." I excuse as Mac glances at me

There was a long time of silence between us

He sighed out and walked toward me with his arm on my shoulder "Mike Man I'm sorry but we've been in California for over seven years and you've still haven't found her....maybe she left for good" He says slowly as I pout

I then lighten myself up and look at him with a smile "Your right Mac, I shouldn't let myself down because of a girl" I said with confidence as Mac shot me a proud smile as I smiled back widely

What's up with us and smiling?

I got up with energy and started to pack my bag

This is going to be a looooonnnngggg ride

"I'm excited! How about you?" Mac says as he squeezes my hand in the airplane

I squish my lips together as I stare at nothing but clouds which was our view of outside from the airplane window

I looked back at him "I don't know...something about this place doesn't feel right.." I say as the waitress walks toward it

"Damn Girl, are you old enough to be a waitress?" Mac commented as I didn't bother to look

"For you? I'm to old" She said with a giggle-

Wait a minute, only one person giggles like that! I look at her in speed as I stare at her name tag

Y/N Ronald

Its her..

"Y/N!" I squeal as Mac looks at me wide eyed

Y/N glances at me in disbelief so she decides to lie "Sorry I'm not Y/N, I'm her daughter Y/N Junior"

Mac's jaw falls off along with mine as I stand up "Sir please take your seat" Y/N Junior says as I grab her wrist and pull her to the nearest private corner

"I'm Michael Jackson... I don't know if your mother has talked about me but I'm your-"

"Father" she finishes as she looks at me in disgust

She immediately slaps me as she gasps after her action "Sorry, but you deserve it! A brat like you shouldn't even be living in this planet!" But then I start to think

"Wait a minute! Its been only 7 years since I didn't see my child, but your like 20!" I protest as she giggles

"Oh please, my sister is the one your talking about! Her name is Isabel, she's 6 and half the one you abandoned, I'm just Y/N's older child" She says positively as I start to ask about the 'older child'

"Older Child? What do you mean?" I ask as she sighs

She then begins to talk "My mom has gotten one child from every man she fücked"

"How many men has she fücked?" I asked casually as she starts to think

Think?!? Why think???

"Well, 2 at first but she aborted them, then the other month 4 and three of then died because of alcohol, I'm the first, and then the men she fücked all together which created 5 babies from 5 of them but she only accepted the first 4, so which is Nancy, Maria, Irene, and Angela...then 2 men and she didn't get pregnant then you and she got Isabel"

"So she fucked about 16 men, and got 6 kids from them totally"

All I did was throw my jaw down, she then took a look at me "For a 49 year old your body looks pretty fückable" She commented as I smirked

"Oh girl"

"Michael!" She squealed my name as I dropped her on tue king-sized bed

I ripped her and my clothes off as she giggled

I trailed my wet mouth down from her breast to her wet püssy ready for my lips

As I stuck my tongue inside her püssy trailing she gave out a moan as she laid on the bed

Her shoulders traveled up and down controlling the pleasure that entered her body

I then took out a finger and slammed it inside of her as she gasped, I then moved it instantly in and out as she did nothing but moan-

"MICHAEL!" -my name

Her moans made me go faster as she moaned louder at the moment

I finally could feel her püssy turning hot knowing she's almost there, I went faster as I noticed her left leg wiggling and weakening every second then feeling numb

And finally I stuck my mouth on her pussy as she released

"That was fun to watch" We heard as our eyes immediately travelled to the one and only


Haha! Sorry for late updates, I don't get it! Our mid-terms are over and we have finals in a month

Its so stupid!

Anyways lots of loves and kisses and sorry if bad I've had writer's block

Byee <3

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