The Lovely (Y/N)

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"So, Sigurd how will you attempt to woo (Y/N) today?" Ivar asked his brother as he watched Sigurd watching you closely as he sat on the porch.

"I do not need to try brother, she is already mine." Sigurd muttered, smirking when you glanced over at them as your friend pointed out that both the boys were looking at you.

"That would explain why she avoids you at gatherings." Ivar snickered before leaving Sigurd to watch you.

Later on, that afternoon you came to the blacksmiths with a list of things you had to pick up memorised. Ivar stopped working to watch as you shuffled in, mumbling to one of the people who had been hurrying in and out throughout the day.

"And why have the gods graced me with your beauty today?" Ivar asked making you blush as you carried some things out to a cart that was hitched to a small horse.

"Not the gods I am afraid, but my father, I should get back before he comes looking for me." you muttered, smiling when you turned to find him gazing up at you.

"Ask him if you can join us for dinner?" Ivar asked and you nodded.

"I will... I have to go, goodbye Ivar." You giggled when he lent on one arm and waved to you before heading back inside.


"Well if it isn't the lovely (Y/N)." Hvitserk cheered when you shyly came into the room, your father immediately rushed to flirt with Aslaug while Ubbe and Sigurd moved to sit you between them.

"It is nice to see you Hvitserk." You mumbled, blushing when he grinned at you which made Ivar shuffle in his seat as he glared at his brother.

"And what of me, are you not happy to see me?" Sigurd asked as plates were set on the table in front of you.

"Of course, I am Sigurd." You smiled and started to eat, missing the smug glance that Sigurd shot Ivar.

"There has to be one of us you like best though?" Ubbe asked and grinned when you glanced in Ivar's direction before shaking your head. "No, are we not attractive enough?"

"I... well...I." You spluttered making them all laugh when you blushed furiously and took deep sips of your drink rather than talk to them.

"I think I'm her favourite." Sigurd muttered as he threw his arm over the back of your chair.

"Nonsense brother, that'd be me." Hvitserk said through a chuckle as he watched you playfully, winking when you looked up at him.

"So, which of my brothers do you like?" He asked but you shook your head. "Do you not like any of us?"

"I like someone." You mumbled, jumping when Sigurd's fingers stroked down the back of your neck.

"Who?" Ivar asked curtly and you refused to acknowledge him as you busied yourself with your food.

"Go on the answer him." Ubbe nudged you gently, laughing when you shook your head.

"I know who she likes." Ivar hummed smugly and looked Sigurd in the eyes before turning to you. "Me."

Sigurd Ragnarsson ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant