Little Family

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You smiled as you took a deep breath, you'd been allowed to leave the main hall. To sit on the porch but at least it was outside and away from the blabbering medics who were poking and fussing.

"How are you doing?" Aslaug asked as she watched you hold the newborn baby as you sat on the porch with you. It was the first day

"I am... frightened. Sigurd is too but he would not admit he is. Hvitserk keeps trying to hold him but I fear letting anyone else to close.

"It will pass the more you have." She said as she leant in and smiled, stroking her grand child's cheek.

Sigurd stopped sharpening the weapons he had been cleaning and glanced up at you. He smiled proudly as he watched you with Aslaug who had been nervously fussing over her newest grandchild.

"You look happy brother." Ubbe said and chuckled when Sigurd nodded.

"Of course why would I not be?" Sigurd muttered without looking at Ubbe who pulled a face at Hvitserk.

"It is early on brother. It has only been a day." Ubbe said wearily and raised his eyebrows, glancing at Hvitserk who bounced over to squeeze Sigurd's shoulder.

"Once it learns crying will get him attention, always. It will complain as much as Ivar." Hvitserk said and Sigurd's smile fell.


Sigurd watched you fuss over the baby carefully. You hadn't even acknowledged him when he'd arrived home, even when he started the fire and had the Thrall start cooking. He wanted to complain that you were ignoring him, that no matter what he said you seemed not to hear him. Instead you focused on the baby.

With a sigh he decided to go and see what his brothers were doing. After spending a long while drinking and joking with Hvitserk, while ignoring Ubbe's knowing sniped comments. After he'd drunk enough to feel a little dizzy he decided to head back to the house.

His eyes widened when he found you pacing, trying to shush the baby that was screeching, you looked panicked.

"(Y/N)?" Sigurd asked. You stopped when you saw him then burst into tears.

"I can not make them stop crying. What will Aslaug think! She believes I am taking such good care of the baby but there is nothing I can do to hush them." You said. Sigurd smiled and hugged you. Telling you to lay down, you looked more than exhausted.

Gently he picked up the child. Sitting next to you he leant back on the headboard of the bed and sang softly to the baby who looked up at him , fists grabbing at his hair. Slowly the baby went quiet then fell asleep. Setting the baby back in his bed Sigurd turned to you, smiling when he realised he'd sung you to sleep too. Placing a gentle kiss on your forehead he pulled the furs over you.

Sigurd Ragnarsson ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant