Chapter 1- The Promise

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Third Person
Leo was always the type to bite off more than he could chew. Even as a child, he took on responsibilities that he swore he could deal with, and every single time, he was overwhelmed.

There was always the same beginning and end to those promises as well. Every single time, Leo made the promise to someone in his family, often his father, and every single time, to keep it, Leo had to have the aid of others.

The one string of words Leo couldn't seem to say was, "Do you have to go?"

They circled his mind over and over, and though his mouth felt like they could just slip the words out before he could think, they still remained unsaid.

So, instead of saying what he wanted to say as the boy watched his father pack, he settled for second best. "Is the mission dangerous?"

A laugh came from the older man as he heard it, shaking his head from side to side, but purely out of amusement than anything else. The penguin king gave him a wink. "Of course it is. You know me, I rarely go on one that isn't."

Leo shifted in the way he sat, trying to make his body feel more comfortable to distract him from the unsettlement he felt when he heard his father's words. His father's bed suddenly wasn't the most comfortable seat anymore. He ran a hand through his brown hair, trying to calm himself, but with no avail. It only seemed to get worse.

Seeing his son in his distress, he was quick to add on, "Oh, but don't worry. I'm older, sure, but my abilities haven't softened. If anything, they're better." Cody gave him a reassuring smile.

When that didn't fully convince him, he cleared his throat a little. "And, I won't be alone. I've got my best squad of soldiers and my best friends with me. And, whatever relationship me and KrakenKid have right now." He put jokingly.

Leo finally let his fears go and relaxed, snickering at his father's comment. Still, looking at the packed clothing only made his mind go right back to the way it was. Knowing his anxious feelings well, he spoke to distract himself from them. "Could you run your plans over me once again?"

Cody chuckled again, stuffing more items into his bag. Leo was beginning to wonder if Cody was packing everything he had, regardless of if he truly needed it or not. "Atlantis gets new people every day, including kids like yourself," Cody nodded towards Leo's skinny form. "So, your mother, her sister, your uncle- almost the whole gang- are joining me in heading up to the surface to make alliances."

Cody searched through his drawers, but didn't stop. "We'll try to get land and build somewhere. Only problem is that not everyone will welcome us so it's likely we'll run into trouble. Not to mention none of us are fully educated on what the Overworld is like and, well-"

A good natured smile plastered on the penguin's face as he fully faced his son. "We all know what happens when KrakenKid and I are put on the same team for too long. I guarantee you, we're most likely going to duke it out before this week is over."

Leo tried to suppress the smile that knew it was true but couldn't, even letting out a snorting sound when he tried, which only made it worse. Cody stood proud at his joking efforts succeeding, and seeing that Leo now had forgotten about what he was worried about, even if it was just for a moment.

Several minutes passed, leaving the prince with only one question left. "Who's in charge while you're gone?"

"Well, your great uncle and Councilor Rasmus and his partner will be taking over for some of the responsibilities, I'm leaving most of my generals here as well, and-well... The rest?" Cody gave Leo a look, making Leo's heart plummet.

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