Chapter 3- The Serum

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Third Person

Though their parents might accepted them, Atlantis had many people who didn't.

Some kids had it worse than others, but most of them were subjected to some form of this.

I've heard some of the insults they call them, either to their face or behind their backs.

"False Prince"
"Toxic Child"

I wish I could stop them, and I've tried, but they never stop. Not for very long at least.

They only remind me of my own issues with the people... Nexus, please, make them stop...



Jasper had an exceptional memory.

As soon as Orion left his last class, Jasper was right outside, waiting for him with a grin on his face. Orion first thought he just wanted to walk with him home, but then it hit him what he said this morning.

He let out a huff. "Cupcakes?" He guessed.

"Cupcakes!" Jasper nodded, his tentacle arms excitedly wrapping around his backpack and squeezing the straps. "You did say we could get some!"

Orion clicked his tongue but went along with him anyways. It was really his own mistake. He knew Jasper well, and he was a boy of many talents. One was building, another was a shocking amount of pain resistance, and the last was his memory. He hardly ever forgot anything.

Truthfully, Jasper was the type of person to give second chances, but he will never forget what you did if you wronged him, and more importantly, how you made him feel when you did. Because of this, Orion worked hard to never do any wrong to Jasper on purpose.

And as they moved towards the market, and seeing Jasper's bright, blue eyes beam at him, it only reminded him of something else.

Out of all of KrakenKid's kids- and his son's too- Jasper was the only one without yellow eyes. Cordelia and Emrys, Phoenix, Zero, Cobalt, even Orion himself had them. Some people gained the glowing trait like Orion himself, or the slit pupils like Cordelia, but none of them didn't have at least one yellow eye.

Orion wasn't sure, but he suspected it had something to do with his connection to the Nexus, it was arguably the strongest of the kids, and even at the slight emotions could trigger it- reminding Orion of another reason you didn't want to get Jasper mad- so maybe that had something to do with it. Or, he got lucky.

"Were you going to go to the tournament?" Jasper asked as they strolled through Atlantis.

"Yeah." Orion answered. He noted a flash of guilt in Jasper's eyes and was quick to correct himself. "But I'd rather spend time with you." He nudged his half brother, getting the smile to re-blossom. "Besides, I can pick a fight with Leo any day I want."

A giggle escaped Jasper. "You guys can fight over anything."

"I wouldn't say anything-"

"Rock collection. Weeding. Who could get home faster." Jasper smirked, eyes dancing with amusement.

Orion hesitated but had to give him that one. A while back, Leo and Orion both created a rock collection and at one point, and fought over a singular rock that honestly was pretty plain. The whole thing escalated into throwing rocks at one another, and luckily neither got seriously hurt before Selena stopped and screamed at the pair. Not to mention when Selena needed weeding done in her garden, she challenged the pair to a race on who could do it faster, and they instantly fell for the trick. The latter of the three hadn't quite gone away, even to that day.

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