Chapter 4- Broken Pride

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Third Person
There's a lot to be said about failure.

Everyone always talked about the downsides.The pain, the misery, the hopelessness and defeat that you might never be able to get a victory. But no one ever talks about the advantages and importance of it.

Failure is more important than success. Success don't have the same value. Failure teaches you what you did wrong, and how to fix it. You learn more from failure than success.

Needless to say, there's a lot to be said about failure.


The prince didn't respond, his eyes as blank as they were ten minutes ago.

"Leo!" Orion tried again, but barely even got a blink.

"Just let me lay here and think about everything I've done wrong for a while..." Leo mumbled, burying his face into the dirt. He didn't care if he was dirty, he just wanted to escape the world for a while.

"It's been awhile- ten minutes in fact!" Orion hissed back, looking around. Araminta had chased after where Hemlock and Cecelia went once she made sure Leo was alright and that Orion would stay with him. Aaron, Jasper and Florence all checked on him too, and Orion insisted that they all needed to go home. Eventually, they obeyed. Now it was just them, and the crowd that still hadn't quite gone away.

Orion snapped his focus back to his brother. "Come on, if you don't want to face everyone back home, at least go to the palace! You can't just stay here forever."

Leo had a look on his face like he was actually considering it, which was the last straw for Orion. "Okay, that's it!" He crossed his arms, his many tentacles twitched in frustration. "If you don't move in the next ten seconds, I'm picking you up and taking you to your room myself!"

Leo went silent, knitting his eyebrows together. "...You're bluffing."

Orion arched his own and began to pick him up, but Leo quickly slapped him away and got up himself. "Okay, okay fine! I'm up! Happy?" The hybrid smirked as Leo brushed the dirt off his body and cleaned up his face the best that he could. "I don't want you picking me up, your arms are so skinny, you'll drop me." He mumbled, but loud enough for Orion to hear.

He bristled, his tentacles curling. "They're not skinny! They are perfectly normal!"

"Uh-huh." Leo mumbled, unconvinced, and headed towards the palace. Orion followed after him, trying to hide the fact that he was pouting and grumbled to himself several times about his little comment.

Once they arrived at the palace, Orion nodded at the guards and even said 'Hello' to a couple he knew, but Leo didn't so much as make eye contact. He didn't wait for anyone as he made a beeline for his room and shut the door behind him.

Orion sighed, rubbing his temple. "Annnnd he's going to mope for a while. Dang it, Dad, why'd you have to give him those genes? Why couldn't he gotten powerful Nexus magic or your pride or Sam's pride or literally anything else?"

He took deep breaths, cooling down and allowing himself to realize that neither of his parents had control over how he turned out. He began to move out, figuring he could pop in and check in later, then caught eye of someone who could help.

"Barbara! Hey!" He called out and rushed over to catch the black haired girl's attention. "I need a quick favor!" Just at his words, the girl smirked.

Barbara was the adopted daughter of One Eye, which was ironic given she herself had three. Barbara had short, black hair that she kept neat, and three black eyes, two in the regular places for an eye, but the third on her forehead. She often wore plaid of different colors, today's being different shades of green and yellow. She was a rather tricky one, and anyone who knew her mother knew that she and her were opposites. One Eye was a rather honest person and stayed firm to the law, while Barbara herself liked to bend it. She insisted to everyone that she was an "Innocent Angel" but her mother was not fooled. As much as she loved her, she knew her well. After all, their first meeting was through Barbara trying to rob her.

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