Chapter 2- Gone

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Third Person

I knew before anyone else that Cecelia and Hemlock would have the relationship they do now.

Cecelia, CannibalCrab and Tanith's spawn, has a loyalty unlike any other. It was a strength as much as it was a weakness. All she needed was a leader, and Hemlock, having KrakenKid and Professor Pikalus' genes in her, was a natural born one. They were destined to get together from the start.

So after Hemlock saved her life, Cecelia stuck to her like a baby duck to her mother. Hemlock was reportedly not very pleased at first- never was the greatest with people that one- but she grew on her. In fact, it was Hemlock, not Cecelia, who fell in love first.

It didn't surprise me at all, that when Hemlock fell into darkness, Cecelia plunged in with her.



"What do you mean they're gone?" Leo asked, crossing his arms and giving a concerned look.

Jasper shifted in his seat on the couch, looking up at him with bright and watery blue eyes. "I'm sorry but Cecelia is just gone! All of her important things are gone and I haven't seen her since!"

Leo paused for a moment, his nose wiggling as he pondered. Orion sat down on the couch next to his half brother, and put an arm around him. "It's not your fault at all." Orion told him firmly. Jasper nodded his head and quickly wiped away the forming tears.

"I know... I just feel like I should've noticed or done something!" Jasper told him, still frowning. "She was there when I went to bed and then suddenly, she just wasn't. I didn't hear anything in the night at all!"

Jasper was the son of KrakenKid and Joe, who unlike many of the others, was created purposely. Joe had wanted a kid of his own and asked for someone else to provide him with secondary DNA, and after some thinking, KrakenKid finally decided to step forward and help him out. After all, KrakenKid and Joe had a good relationship to begin with, so it wasn't a huge shock that KrakenKid would be the one to do it.

Jasper had blonde hair with curly ends, and quite a bit of it. His eyes were a bright blue, and unlike many others, he had purple tentacles instead of arms. His shirt was orange with purple edges, which had stars stitched into them, and a yellow diamond in the middle of it, with a J in the middle of the diamond.

Jasper could be rather emotional. Him crying wasn't abnormal- in fact, it was more so if he didn't cry at all. But, he easily bounced back from it. He'd shed a few tears, and after some encouraging words, he'd always bounce back to his smiling self.

Orion paused for a moment before cracking a grin. "In fact, what do you say to getting some treats?"

Jasper instantly grinned, getting up. "Cupcakes?" Orion gave a nod and he clapped his hands together in excitement. "Let's go!"

"Wait." Leo was about to speak, but someone else beat him to it. He turned to find Cobalt, leaning against the wall and gazing at them all with her uncovered eye. "You can't right now. It's still Monday, siblings missing or not."

Orion let out a frustrated groan. "Really? Two of our siblings are gone out of the blue, and you think we can still go to school after this? I don't want to learn about algebra, I don't even see how it'll help me!"

"It's supposed to use your creative thinking skills." Cobalt responded calmly, brushing her hair back a bit, but still kept her second eye covered. "Hemlock and Cecelia might be gone as of now, but they always seem to turn up. Besides, guards are already looking for them as we speak. They can handle it. School will end in a matter of weeks anyways, don't fall behind now."

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