Zayn and Louis Smoking

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Well... I heard about Payzer, elounor, Zouis, Niall raised 300,000 pounds for charity, Niall and Selena. Im just confused.

Too much in 1 day

Well about Louis And Zayn smoking, idk why fans get mad and be like "omg their such bad role models imma rip my WWA tour tickets and their posters" <- that my friend is called a fake directioner. Like WE called them role models, not them. A true directioner supports them no matter what! And dont get me started with #Skinfor1D -.- thats just disturbing.( you know jesus is watching you)!
Louis and Zayn are old enough to smoke, why to directioners make it a huge deal? They are showing their personalities. You can tell their sick of Modest.and doing what they want. There not becoming bad role models like JB who is smoking and robbing and disrespectful. One Direction will always care about us guys. Right now they are in WWA Tour to singing to us! Making another tour in 2015 for the places they havent went. Creating more mechandise like "this moment". Creating the best music videos for us. Like if you are disappointed with them and want to leave the fandom, fine leave. Your not a true directioner.

I wonder what would modest do to Louis and Zayn. Omg cx.
I saw a tons of pictures of this that kept me laughing.

There was one where it says "Modest be like "They werent smoking"" and it shows 4 pics of Zayn covering the cigarette with a smoothie, milkshake , a party streamer and a ballon lol

But why cant we just congratulate Niall for raising £300,000 ! Hes the best like the other boys and im very proud of him. But Zouis is trending and not this?!

The thing that gets me worried of Zouis, what if they get drug addicted... to smoking pot
That means getting sick and may leave to having lung cancer

Instagram&Twitter: ayee_melina
1D account: basically_one_direction

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