Up All Night Sleepover with 1D

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You and the guys are having a sleepover at your house :)

"Hey Lou can I have some popcorn?," Harry smiled besides him.

"NO JIMMY PROTESTED!," Louis yelled in his face and walked out of the living room.

"Heres your ice cream Liam," You hand the ice cream to Liam.

Liam had a frighten face when he saw the bowl.

"GET THAT SH*T AWAY FROM ME!," Liam flipped the bowl, making everything fall behind the sofa.

"WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!," You screamed angrily at Liam.

"S-S-S-S-S-SPOOOOON,!" Liam voiced shakes and trembles.

"Omg," You sighed and started cleaning up the mess.

"You didnt have to flip the whole bowl over, I could've of just replace the stupid spoon with a fork," I rolled your eyes.

"Sorry (Y/N) I love you," Liam tries to apologize.

You go back to the kitchen and prepare another bowl of ice cream.

"Lets watch football guys!," Niall whines.

"Hey I wanna watch Frozen!," Zayn warns Niall.

Niall crossed his arms and had a frowned face.

"Zayn ,is the world cup, it only comes in 4 years!," Niall talked in his professional voice

"Fine," Zayn rolled his eyes and thru the remote to Niall.

Niall giggled of convincing Zayn.

"Brazil vs Mexico! Let me tweet this!," Niall took out his phone.

You smiled and Zayn came walking in the kitchen.

"You want icecream?," You offer Zayn Malik.

"Nah I want us in your room," Zayn smirked.

"Haha very funny Zayno," You responded sarcastically.

Zayn grabbed your hips and started planting a soft kiss among our neck.

"Stop Zayn, let me make Liam's ice cream he fuck*ng wants," You tone your voice, your still mad at Liam for ruining the couch.

Zayn didnt listen and ran his hands under your shirt.

You hit Zayn with your elbow slimly, warning him to stop.

"Just one kiss love," Zayn breathe touch my ear.

You turned around finding Zayn and he bit his passionate lips.

Zayn didnt take a moment to breathe and smashed his lips into yours.

He rubs your jawline and your thigh.

You put your hands around his neck and flavoring his lips.

"Hey (Y/N) wheres my ice cream?!," Liam bothers.

You pull away Zayn

"Its ready, wait im just getting your stupid fork," You speak up.

Zayn smiled and whispers " I love you so much"

Your lips widen, "I love you too Zayn", you rub your nose with his.

You grab Liam's ice cream and stab the ice cream with the fork.

Zayn goes to sit next to Niall.

"Here you go Liam James Payne," You respond harshly.

He extended his hands and grabs the bowl.

You throw yourself in the couch between Harry and Liam.

You see Louis enter back into the room ,zipping his zipper up, inferring he went to the restroom and sits next to Harry.

Liam looks at you ,"You mad? (Y/N), I didnt mean to flip the bowl , it was accident. Dont take it serious im really sorry for ruining the couch ,I can buy you a new one-"

"No im not mad, I know it was a accident and it wasn't your fault, it was the stupid spoon and thanks thats very nice of you but I cant make you buy us a new couch," You rub his shoulder.

"You sure, you seem pissed." Liam frowned.

You nod and faced the TV

"AWW NEYMAR GOAL WAS BLOCKED BY OCHOA," Niall screams loud that I bet people from next door could listen.

"CHICKEN AND CHILI," Louis randomly yelled.

"Pew pew pew pew pew," Louis danced to the rhythm of him singing.

You couldn't help it and laughed.

Zayn stood up and his beautiful eyes darted to your room.

"Why do you want her to leave?," Harry asked, you guess he was watched him.

"Bcuz, I need to talk to her," Zayn grabbed your hand and walked to your room.

He closes the door and stands there.

"What do you want?," You cross your arms.

"You," Zayn steps slowly towards you.

You stayed silent and awkwardly stare at him.

Zayn pushes you to your bed.

Zayn finally grab little loose pieces of your hair and pulls them back, out of the way of your face.

Zayn lays ontop of your body, touching skin.

He steals your lips and fingers down your hip.

He raises your right leg and rubs it.

It was about to get intense until your room door bursted open with the rest of the boys attacking with pillows.

Zayn falls next to you.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" The boys screamed and hit y'all with pillows.

You cant help it and try to escape the room, but Harry locked it.

Zayn got off the bed pissed and grab one of the pillows in the bed and joined in.

You took Zayn steps ,until the whole room was filled with feathers flying around.

Everyone stopped when Zayn turn off the lights.

"WHAT WAS THIS?!," Zayn puts his hands in his sassy hips.

"Aw you mad or nahh?" Niall nailed it.

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