v-magnus leo

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little girls are taught to be kittens,
shy, and meek, and coy, and a little curious so that boys don't get bored.
we're taught to wear pretty dresses and clean up other people's messes.
we're taught to smile more,
remember who we're here for.
we're here to be exciting,
but not too frightening.
god forbid that we feel anything that isn't heterosexual love.
yet here we are:
we wear jeans and say things we don't mean and shout and pout and cry and scream and love other women and love food and Netflix.
little girls are told they cannot be 'big lions'
but who is too say that they can't be a 'magnus leo''?
after all, if people aren't educated enough to know that girls have the vote, and can be doctors and lawyers and politicians nowadays, how will the know the Latin for the thing they forbid?

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